Change the letters in the supplied array to the specified case ( Lower or Upper )
Parameters to this function are :
Array which has to be modified
Case ( Accepted values are "tolower" / "toupper" )
Return value will be modified array based on the supplied case parameter
npm install changeArrayCase
const stringToModify = require('changeArrayCase');
var upperStringArray = ["APPLE", "ORANGE", "LEMON"];
var lowerStringArray = ["apple", "orange", "lemon"];
stringToModify(upperStringArray, "tolower");
// ["apple", "orange", "lemon"]
stringToModify(lowerStringArray, "toupper");
// ["APPLE", "ORANGE", "LEMON"];
changeArrayCase(inputStringArray, value)
Type: string Array
String array to modify the letters in the array
Type: string
Allowed values are tolower / toupper
'npm test'