A Rust project created by the Brighton Rust User Group for the STM32F411 Nucleo-64 Discovery board.
Our aim is to drive some Christmas tree lights like these:
- 50pcs / lot DC5V/12V input WS2811 pixel module, 12mm black/green Wire led string; Chrismas tree; waterproof with 3pin JST Connectors. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32444382333.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.44ff4c4dSJelZJ
- Move util functions into their own module
- Experiment with interrupts, maybe to switch patterns?
- Wire up the LED string
- ...
- Plug in the hardware
- Launch
cargo run
This will start up the Gnu Debugger, so type 'c' to continue, or you could set breakpoints, step through the code etc. See the wiki for more info.
Check out the wiki