This repository contains the materials to build a demo to show the integration of Bonita BPM with an ESB.
- Active MQ
- Apache Camel
- Alfresco
- Bonita Studio 7.3.2
- Java 8
Here is a useful link on how install Active MQ.
- Download Active MQ
- Unzip the archive in your favorite folder
- From a command shell, change to the installation directory and run ActiveMQ as a daemon process:
$ cd [activemq_install_dir]/bin $ ./activemq start
- To check ActiveMQ is up and running, open a browser and go to http://localhost:8161/admin (default credentials: admin/admin)
- Create a queue called bonitaQueue
- In the administration console, go to Queues
- In the text field, enter bonitaQueue and click on "Create"
Go to camel-bonita folder in this project and run the command to build the web application:
$ mvn clean package
Go to camel-web folder in this project and run the command to build the web application:
$ mvn clean package
Deploy the file camel-web.war in an empty Tomcat
Startup Tomcat
To check camel-web is up and running, open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/camel-web
There are different ways to get a instance of Alfresco server. In my case, I chose to use a Docker image that I run locally. You could also install Alfresco on your machine or use a cloud instance. In this chapter, I will describe the solution using Docker.
- Get Docker image: docker pull gui81/alfresco
- Create a new container: docker run --name='alfresco-esb' -it --rm -p 32768:8080 -p 32771:445 -p 32770:7070 -p 32769:8009 -p 32775:21 -p 32774:137 -p 32773:138 -p 32772:139 gui81/alfresco
- Access the Alfresco web client:
- Login using the default credential: admin/admin
- Create a new folder called "bonita" (Go to My Files, create new)
- Under "bonita" folder, create another folder called "claims-storage"
The version of the process (process/Claims-management-esb-1.0.bos) provided is 7.3.2 Community Edition. You can download the Bonita Studio here.
- Start the Studio
- Import the bos file Claims-management-esb-1.0.bos
- Import the bos file initData-1.0.bos
- Open the process initData-1.0
- Click on Run to start the process initData. Click on the Start button on the web page opened to execute it.
- Open the process Claims-management-esb-1.0
- Click on Run to deploy the process in the local portal (http://localhost:8080/bonita). Don't execute it.
The route camel are hosted by a web application, called camel-web in our case.
- To build the web application camel-web, go to camel-web folder and run: mvn clean install
- Deploy the war file generated, located in the target folder, in a local Tomcat instance. I will suggest to just download a fresh Tomcat server for the test. You can download it from here
Note: As Bonita Portal, already run on the port 8080, please make sure that this Tomcat instance ran on a different port. By example, the port 8191.
You need to configure two folders for the camel route to work:
- A "bucket" folder where a Camel route will pick up files and push them to the JMS queue. Will call it BUCKET_FOLDER
- A "received" folder where a Camel route will push files at the end of the demo. Will call it RECEIVED_FOLDER
Please create these folders on your local machine and then modify the file camel-web/src/main/webapp/WEB_INF/camel-config.xml to provide the real path for BUCKET_FOLDER and RECEIVED_FOLDER. Build and deploy camel-web after the changes.
- Push the file test-files/Claims-Letter.docx to your BUCKET_FOLDER. The file should disappear immediately or after a few seconds.
- Go to Bonita Portal, log in as walter.bates. You should have new task ready to perform.
- Perform the task Verify Claims compliance. Click on Accepted.
- A new task will be created: Process Claims. Attach the document test-files/Return_letter.docx as response letter and process it.
- Logout and log in as helen.kelly.
- A task Review claim should be present. Open it and click on Accept.
- Go to Alfresco, you should see a new folder under /bonita/claims-storage. This folder contains the response letter.
- Go to your local folder RECEIVED_FOLDER, this folder should contains the response letter as well.