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Competitive Programming Templates


This repository is NOT recommended for projects and production-worthy code. The repository is intended for usage during competitive programming competitions, and for that reason the library in this repository is implmented with the focus of reducing LoC (Lines of Code) & increasing efficiency

Made By: ~lior5654 (FiveSixFiveFour)

What is "Competitive Programming"?

Competitive Programming is a mind sport. Participants compete against each other in order to solve hard algorithmic problems efficiently.

Solving a good contest problems requires strong problem solving & research skills, creativity and deep knowledge of advanced algorithms & data structures, such as Lee-Chao Tree, FFT, Forture's Algorithm, Bellman-Ford, KMP, and much more.

As contests are limited by time & one's solution is only judged by it's ability to pass certain testcases within the given time & memory usage constraints of the problem, readability & design are not the focus of a competitive programming contest, but rather an efficient and short-to-write solution that solves the problem.

What is this repository for?

As stated above, having short & efficient implementations is sometimes key for time managment during a contest. This repository contains templates of a vast variaty of algorithms & data strucutres used in contests implmented with the focus of reducing LoC (Lines of Code) & increasing efficiency. If you wish to use some algorithm implemented in this repository for a project, consider redesigning the code to be slightly more readable and maintainable for the long run.


I have implemented most of the algorithms & techniques in this list multiple times during contests, however, I dont have an organized template for all of them as many contests don't allow pre-written code. I am in the process of templating the things I usually implement from scratch during a contest to be publicly available for usage.

Note: all algorithms & data structures are implemented in C++. I am not considering to extend the repository to other languages.

  • Data Structures (& Offline Query Algorithms)

    • Fenwick Tree - Done
    • Segment Tree - Done
      • Regular - Done
      • Lazy - Done
      • Persistent - Done
    • Treap - Done
    • MO's Algorithm (Square Root Decomposition) - TODO
    • RMQ (Range Max/Min Query)
      • O(nlogn) pre-processing, O(1) query - TODO
      • O(n) pre-processing, O(1) query - TODO
    • DSU (Disjoint Set Union|Union Find) - Done
  • Trees

    • DFS (Depth-First Traversal) - TODO
    • BFS (Breath-First Traversal) - TODO
    • Euler Track - TODO
    • LCA (Least Common Ancenstor) - TODO
      • O(nlogn) pre-processing, O(logn) query - TODO
      • O(nlogn) pre-processing, O(1) query - TODO
      • O(n) pre-processing, O(1) query - TODO
    • HLD (Heavy-Light Decomposition) - TODO
    • CD (Centroid Decomposition) - TODO
  • Graphs

    • DFS (Depth-First Traversal) - TODO
    • BFS (Breath-First Traversal) - TODO
    • Shortest-Path Algorithms - TODO
      • Dijkstra's Algorithm - TODO
      • Bellman-Ford's Algorithm - TODO
      • Floyd-Warshal's Algorithm - TODO
    • MST (Min/Max Spanning Tree) - TODO
      • Kruskal's Algorithm - TODO
      • Prim's Algorithm - NO, I hate Prim
    • SCC (Strongly Connected Components) - TODO
      • Kosaraju's Algorithm - TODO
    • Find Bridges - Tarjan's Algorithm - TODO
    • Find Articulation Points - Done
    • MM (Maximum Bipartite Matching) - Done
    • Dynamic Connectivity - TODO
    • Minimum Vertex Cover - TODO
    • 2-SAT - TODO
    • Flows - Learn & TODO
  • Dynamic Programming Optimizations:

    • D&C (Divide & Conquer) - TODO
    • Knuth - TODO
    • 1D-1D - TODO
    • Matrix Exponentiation - TODO
  • String Algorithms

    • Hashing - Done
    • Z-string - Done
    • KMP (Knuth-Pratt-Morris) - TODO
    • Trie - TODO
    • Aho Corasic - TODO
    • Suffix Things - Learn & TODO
    • Manacher's Algorithm (All Sub-palindromes in O(n)) - TODO
  • Geometry:

    • Sweep-Line - TODO
    • Point Class - Done
    • Segment Intersection - Done
    • Convex Hull in O(nlogn) - Done
    • Geometry Related Data Structures & Tricks:
      • Lee-Chao Tree - TODO
      • Convex-Hull Trick - TODO
  • Algebra & Number Theory

    • Combinatorics (Choose, Permute etc..) - Done
    • Binary Exponentiation - Done
    • GCD&LCM - Greatest Common Divisor & Least Common Multiple - Done
    • Sieve of Eratosthenes - Done
    • Factoting
      • O(max*log(max)) - pre processing, O(sum of prime powers in prime factorization) == O(log(max)) query - Done
      • O(sqrt(num)) - TODO
    • Extended GCD - Done
    • Chinese Remainder Theorem - TODO
  • Game Theory

  • Miscalleneous

    • Ternary Search - TODO
    • LIS (Longest Increasing Subsequence) in O(nlogn) - TODO
    • FFT (Fast Forier Transform) For O(nlogn) Polynomial Multiplication - TODO


Competitive Programming Templates







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