Please read original README from ROS.
ROS1: Please check our repository LIPSedge-ros for installation guide.
ROS2: ros2 branch supports Humble and later. We have tested LIPSedge cameras on Humble.
If you have any request or need any support, welcome to mail LIPS or submit your request here.
- Install openni2 package for Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libopenni2-0 libopenni2-dev
- Download latest LIPSedge SDK and install it
For example, you get LIPSedge DL SDK and install it.
$ tar -xzf LIPS-Linux-x64-OpenNI2.2.tar.gz
$ cd LIPS-Linux-x64-OpenNI2.2
$ sudo ./
Clone this repository and build it in ROS2 environment
$ mkdir -p ~/LIPSedge_ws/src
$ cd ~/LIPSedge_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/LIPSedge_ws
$ colcon build
Launch camera service, use:
$ source ./install/setup.bash
$ ros2 launch openni2_camera
View depth/color/IR image by rqt, use:
$ ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
Select topic /camera/depth/image_raw in rqt:
Select topic /camera/rgb/image_raw in rqt:
If you want to get a PointCloud2, launch camera with another script:
$ source ./install/setup.bash
$ ros2 launch openni2_camera
- Run Rviz tool in ROS2.
- Add PointCloud2 and change the field Topic -> Reliablity Policy to 'Best Effort'.
- In the left panel, manually change the field Global Options -> Fixed Frame to 'openni_rgb_optical_frame'.
In the right panel, you should see visualized point cloud data.