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Liquibase Spanner Extension

A Liquibase extension adding support for Google Cloud Spanner. Include this in your application project to run Liquibase database migration scripts against a Google Cloud Spanner database.

Release Notes


  • Requires Liquibase 4.17.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.16.1


  • Requires Liquibase 4.16.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.15.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.14.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.13.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.12.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.11.0


  • #121 Added support for configured databasechangelog/lock table names. by @cbuschka in #122
  • Requires Liquibase 4.10.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.10.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.9.1


  • Requires Liquibase 4.9.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.8.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.7.1


  • Requires Liquibase 4.7.0


  • Requires Liquibase 4.6.2


  • Requires Liquibase 4.6.1
  • Fixes a bug where statements could be generated in the Spanner dialect when multiple different databases had been configured, and the Spanner library was included in the build. See also #102


  • Requires Liquibase 4.5.0
  • Adds support for CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW and DROP VIEW statements


  • Requires Liquibase 4.4.3.
  • The version of this library now mirrors the version number of the Liquibase version that it requires.


  • Added sample for Spring Boot integration
  • Bug fix (#94): loadData change did not escape single quotes correctly


  • Extension is no longer beta.
  • deps: update to jdbc driver version 2.0 and set user agent


  • Bug fix (#83): Columns in the primary key were always generated as not nullable, even when they were marked as nullable.
  • Bug fix (#78): INTERLEAVED table was generated as FOREIGN KEY in snapshots
  • Bug fix (#75, #76, #77): Wrong type names were generated in snapshots
  • Bug fix: Removed logback configuration from build.


  • Bug fix: Fixed a potential ClassNotFoundException for


  • Initial beta release.

Getting Started

Installing and setting up Liquibase

Install Liquibase Community CLI from here. Alternatively, there are many other ways to install (e.g. brew on Mac OS/X). These examples were run with Liquibase 4.2.0.

Once Liquibase is installed, use the latest release or build your own liquibase-spanner-SNAPSHOT-all.jar and copy it into the Liquibase lib directory.

Starting a Spanner database

You can create a Spanner instance in the GCP console or use an emulator (with JDBC). You will also need to create a database for Liquibase to use.

Spanner CLI is a convenient way to access Spanner. It can be installed from here.

Configure the connection in the file

  url: jdbc:cloudspanner:/projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>

Running Examples

Using the Liquibase CLI the following ChangeLogs are examples of using Spanner. Review Liquibase best practices. In this example, changelog.yaml is used as the master changelog.

Run: liquibase --changeLog example/changelog.yaml

Example Description
create-schema.yaml Create schema, including interleaved tables, column options, and indexes
load-data-singers.yaml Load data into Singers table from CSV
load-update-data-singers.yaml Insert or update data in Singers table from CSV
add-lookup-table-singers-countries.yaml Create countries table as a foreign key from Country field in Singers
modify-data-type-singers-lastname.yaml Alter STRING datatype in Singers LastName column
insert.yaml Insert rows into Singers table
delete.yaml Delete rows from Singers
update.yaml Update rows in Singers

Other Samples

See the samples directory for specific integrations with other frameworks, such as Spring Boot.

Supported Features

The following Liquibase ChangeTypes are supported:
createTable, dropTable, addColumn, modifyDataType, addNotNullConstraint, dropColumn, createIndex, dropIndex, addForeignKeyConstraint, dropForeignKeyConstraint, dropAllForeignKeyConstraints, addLookupTable, createView, dropView

The following Liquibase ChangeTypes are not allowed with Cloud Spanner:
addAutoIncrement, addDefaultValue, addPrimaryKey, addUniqueConstraint, dropUniqueConstraint, createProcedure, createSequence, dropDefaultValue, dropNotNullConstraint, dropPrimaryKey, dropProcedure, dropSequence, renameColumn, renameSequence, renameTable, renameView, setColumnRemarks, setTableRemarks, alterSequence

The following data DML ChangeTypes are supported:
insert, update, loadData, loadUpdateData


  • Column OPTIONS and table INTERLEAVE must be applied using modifySql.
  • Instead of unique constraints use unique indexes.


See for a full list of limitations and unsupported features.

Spanner-specific SQL

Some Spanner specific SQL, such as INTERLEAVE'd tables or column OPTIONS, require using Liquibase's modifySql. See create-schema.yml for an example of doing this.

DDL Limits

In order to limit the number of schema updates in a 7-day period, run Liquibase with small changeSets. Alternatively, use SQL change and batch the DDL using batch statements.

DML Limits

There are DML limits for the number of rows affected during DML. The recommendation is to use partitioned DML. Using Spanner JDBC driver this can be configured using the AUTOCOMMIT_DML_MODE.

This has been implemented in some of the changeSet types such as mergeColumns, but not in all changeSet types such as delete.

Unsupported Spanner Features

There are a number of features that Spanner does not have such as sequences and stored procedures. The Liquibase extension will throw an exception during analysis of the changeSet in most cases, but not all. For example, a DELETE without a WHERE clause will fail in Spanner but not in the Liquibase extension.



Gradle target Description
test Run mock and Spanner emulator tests
build Build extension and run above tests
integrationTest Run Spanner in GCP tests
jibDocker Build a local runnable docker container

Testing requirements:

  • Emulator requires testcontainers and its requirements installed.
  • Spanner in GCP requires SPANNER_PROJECT and SPANNER_INSTANCE environment variables set to an active instance
  • Spanner in GCP requires application default credentials set or GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment set


There are two JARs built:

  • build/libs/liquibase-spanner-VERSION.jar
  • build/libs/liquibase-spanner-VERSION-all.jar

The first JAR is just the extension itself, while the second one includes all of the dependencies needed to run with Liquibase. Install the second one into the Liquibase lib directory.


For contributions please see contributing and our code of conduct.

Raising Issues

If you have any questions, find a bug, or have a feature request please open an issue. Please note that this extension is not officially supported as part of the Cloud Spanner product.


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  • Java 100.0%