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A react Provider with hook to get viewport info and subscribe to changes.


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A React provider to track and update on changes to the window, screen, and/or visual viewport.


npm i react-window-context


Use the WindowContext context provider to track and react to updates on window, screen, and visualViewport objects. Exactly what is tracked is controlled by the plugins loaded see the API reference for makeWindowPlugin() and friends. All the non-component functions except useWindowInfo are used to create plugins or a set of plugins.

import React from 'react'

import { allWindowPlugins, useWindowInfo, WindowContext } from 'react-window-context'

// This will track all attributes of the 'window' object (innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth, etc.)
const plugins = allWindowPlugins()

const WindowInfo = () => {
  const windowInfo = useWindowInfo()

  return (
    <div style={style}>
      {JSON.stringify(viewportInfo.window, null, '  ')}

return (
  <WindowContext plugins={plugins}>
    <WindowInfo />


API Reference

API generated with dmd-readme-api.


Object defining the valid screen attributes. Also defines associated events that might cause a change in the value of each attribute. Refer to source code for list of supported attributes.

Source code


Object defining the valid visualViewport attributes. Also defines associated events that might cause a change in the value of each attribute. Refer to source code for list of supported attributes.

Source code


Object defining the valid window attributes. Also defines associated events that might cause a change in the value of each attribute. Refer to source code for list of supported attributes.

Source code


Convenience method to track all data for window, screen, and visualViewport.

Returns: Array.<function()> - An array of WindowContext plugins.

See: allWindowPlugins for an example.

Source code


Convenience method to create all screen related plugins.

Returns: Array.<function()> - An array of WindowContext plugins.

See: allWindowPlugins for an example.

Source code


Convenience method to create all visualViewport related plugins.

Returns: Array.<function()> - An array of WindowContext plugins.

See: allWindowPlugins for an example.

Source code


Convenience method to create all screen related plugins.

Returns: Array.<function()> - An array of WindowContext plugins.


const allWindowPlugins = allWindowPlugins()

return (
  <WindowContext plugins={allWindowPlugins}>
    <DisplayAllWindowData />

Source code

breakpointPlugin(prevInfo, newInfo, getTheme)boolean

Plugin to track whether the current theme 'breakpoint' and whether it has changed or not. This method works with with Material UI themes or any theme that provide a breakpoint definition (see example). Note, the typical breakpoints are 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', but in practice can be anything.

Param Type Description
prevInfo object The info object last time the plugin was invoked.
newInfo object The info object, to be updated by the method, for this invocation.
getTheme function A function to retrieve the current theme.

Returns: boolean - true if the width has changed and false otherwise.


const getTheme = () => ({
  breakpoints: {
    values: {
      key1: 0, // cuttoff in pixels above which the breakpoint is activated
      key2: 100,
const info = { windew: { innerWidth: 100 }}
const newInfo = structuredClone(info)
console.log(breakpointPlugin(info, newInfo, getTheme)) // prints: 'key2'

Source code


Function to generate plugins to extract screen related data.

Param Type Description
attribute string The screen attribute to track.

Returns: function - A WindowContext plugin.

Throws: Function to generate plugins to extract screen related data.


Source code


Function to generate plugins to extract visualViewport related data.

Param Type Description
attribute string The visualViewport attribute to track.

Returns: function - A WindowContext plugin.

Throws: Function to generate plugins to extract visualViewport related data.


Source code


Function to generate plugins to extract window related data.

Param Type Description
attribute string The window attribute to track.

Returns: function - A WindowContext plugin.

Throws: Function to generate plugins to extract window related data.


const innerHeightPlugin = makeWindowPlugin('innerHeight')

return (
  <WindowContext plugins={[innerHeightPlugin]}>
    <DisplayInnerHeight />

See: VALID_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES for valid attributes.

Source code


Retrivees the tracked window/screen/visualViewport data.

Returns: object - The information object, which has three properties: window, screen, and visualViewport. Any tracked attributes are available on the corresponding property. E.g, the window's inner height is availablee on window.innerHeight, etc.`

Source code


A context component that tracks information from the window and related objects.

The exact information tracked is determanide by the plugins passed to the component. You can use the breakpointPlugin directly or use makeScreenPlugin or one of the related makePluginX or group plugin methods to generate plugins for specific data.

The pollInterval is used when tracking window.screenX/screenY (or their aliases, screenLeft and screenTop). Because there is no event that tells us when the browser window (as a whole) is dragged around, we have to check it's position periodically.

Param Type Description
attr object The atributes + children hash object.
[attr.getTheme] function A function to retrieve the current theme. This is used by module:react-viewport-context.breakpointPlugin and required if that (or another custom plugin utilizing the theme) is used.
attr.plugins Array.<function()> An array of plugin functions which determine what data is extracted (and what data determines the update cycle).
[attr.pollInterval] number The amount of time in ms to wait between polling for the window location (see function description).
attr.children object The child elements passed in from the content of the component.

Returns: object - The rendered component.

Source code


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A react Provider with hook to get viewport info and subscribe to changes.







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