I'm trying to realize my SMUGMath library using the Swift language. SMUGMath was basically a set of ObjC vector classes that were backed by Accelerate.framework to perform various numerical operations.
When Swift was introduced, it got me excited about the possibilities to create a more expressive environment for building various signal processing algorithms.
In a perfect world I'd have a programming environment that approaches MATLAB in its terseness and expressiveness.
let a = [Float](count: 2048, repeatedValue: 0)
// Fill a with stuff
let b = [Float](count: 2048, repeatedValue: 0)
// Fill b with stuff
let c = a * b // ooh, so exciting!
let window = hamming( 2048 )
let setup = create_fft_setup( 2048 )
let result = fft( setup, a * window, 2048 )
// Grab the magnitude of the spectrum
let magnitude = abs(result[1..<result.count/2])