The project demonstrates several fundamental example APIs created with Java Native Interface (JNI). These example APIs enable JAVA to perform enclave operations in Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions (SGX).
- Install Intel(R) SGX SDK for Linux* OS
- Install OpenJDK (sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk)
- Build the project with the prepared Makefile:
- Hardware Mode, Debug build: $ make
- Hardware Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0
- Hardware Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_DEBUG=0
- Simulation Mode, Debug build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM
- Simulation Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0
- Simulation Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_DEBUG=0
- Execute example Java app: $ java JavaApp [size of byte array]
- Remember to "make clean" before switching build mode
The project demonstrates several fundamental example APIs created with Python Ctypes. These example APIs enables Python to perform enclave operations in Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions (SGX): - Initialize and destroy an enclave. - Generate a random byte array using SGX trusted library function (sgx_read_rand).
- Install Intel(R) SGX SDK for Linux* OS
- Install Ctypes
- Build the project with the prepared Makefile:
- Hardware Mode, Debug build: $ make
- Hardware Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0
- Hardware Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_DEBUG=0
- Simulation Mode, Debug build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM
- Simulation Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0
- Simulation Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_DEBUG=0
- Execute example Python app: $ python [optional: size of byte array]
- Remember to "make clean" before switching build mode
- Enclave: defines the functions running in the enclave
- LibSgxC: defines ecall/ocall functions that communicates to the enclave
- LibSgxPython: python ctypes that wraps the shared library
- the example python application
The project demonstrates several fundamental example APIs created with . These example APIs enables Python to perform enclave operations in Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions (SGX): - Initialize and destroy an enclave. - Generate a random byte array using SGX trusted library function (sgx_read_rand).
- Install Intel(R) SGX SDK for Linux* OS
- Build the project with the prepared Makefile:
- Hardware Mode, Debug build: $ make
- Hardware Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0
- Hardware Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_DEBUG=0
- Simulation Mode, Debug build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM
- Simulation Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0
- Simulation Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_DEBUG=0
- Execute example Python app: $ ./GoApp [-len=n]
- Remember to "make clean" before switching build mode
- Enclave: defines the functions running in the enclave
- LibSgxC: defines ecall/ocall functions that communicates to the enclave
- LibSgxGo: cgo that wraps the shared library
- GoApp.go: the example Go application