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Literallie edited this page Dec 27, 2016 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the CommandBlockerUltimate wiki!

CommandBlockerUltimate is a plugin for Bukkit and BungeeCord, which allows to block players from executing commands and can also block tab-completion! Yup, that's actually it.


  • Can block any command you wish!
  • Can optionally block tab-completion with different modes available!
  • Fully configurable!
    • All messages output to the user are configurable!To the extent permitted by common sense
    • Target commands can be configured! (wow!)
    • The bypass permission node is configurable for some unknown reason! (Send me your use cases!)
  • Automatic alias resolving! (e.g. if you add msg, bukkit:msg and tell will be blocked too!) limited
  • Works on BungeeCord and Spigot!
  • Free Software
  • Doesn't contain any nuts!




Allows to display the plugin version and reload the configuration file.

Example usages: /cbu reloadcfg /cbu



Allows to display the plugin version and reload the configuration file.

Example usages: /gcbu reloadcfg /gcbu


  • cmdblock.admin: Allows usage of /cbu or gcbu.
  • cmdblock.bypass: Allows to execute and tab-complete blocked commands. Note that this permission's name can be changed in the configuration.

Getting help

If you have a problem with this plugin and are unable to resolve it yourself, open an issue on GitHub with the plugin version, server software and version, complete server log, configuration file and any other information that could be helpful. Try to describe the problem and what you did for it to occur as closely and precisely as possible.

If you know a feature this plugin needs, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub. If you already have an implementation, a pull request is also appreciated. (I will also pull small fixes like typos!)

Small print

Above features are almost too good to be true, right? To make sure that you don't get severely injured because you're so exited for the features, we have intentionally added some limitations to above features!

  • You need ProtocolLib if you want to block tab-completion on Bukkit.
  • You need Yamler (Bungee|Bukkit) for the configuration files to work on BungeeCord. If you're using Bukkit, it is also hugely recommended, since it has advanced features such as automatically adding new config options and more!
  • When used on Bukkit, the plugin can't resolve aliases of BungeeCord commands and vice-versa.
  • When used on BungeeCord, the plugin cannot resolve completions of Bukkit commmands. This is currently not possible with BungeeCord, so you have to use the Bukkit version if you want to remove completions of Bukkit commands. This obviously doesn't work the other way round either. (Read more here)
  • This plugin does not contain cake or cookies since the underlying technology hasn't evolved far enough yet. Sorry about that.