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Android basic conventions (ABC) plugin

This is an experimental plugin to configure Android projects with common configuration. It is meant for small projects that are in between needing their own convention plugins vs duplicating Android, Kotlin and JVM Gradle configuration in various modules.

It has been tested lightly with simple projects only, your mileage might vary.


  1. Apply this plugin to your root build.gradle file.
  2. Configure the extension
androidBasicConventions {
    // defaults to null, if not set here, it must be specified in each module
    minSdk = 29
    // defaults to null
    compileSdk = 33
    // defaults to null
    targetSdk = 33
    // optional, defaults to JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 for Android, JVM and Kotlin
    jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
    // optional compiler args
    kotlinOptions {
        freeCompilerArgs += ""
        freeCompilerArgs += "-opt-in=androidx.compose.animation.ExperimentalAnimationApi"
        freeCompilerArgs += "-opt-in=androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi"
        freeCompilerArgs += "-opt-in=androidx.compose.ui.text.ExperimentalTextApi"

Finally, apply the plugin to each module and clean up existing values, if any.

Configured values

Should be pretty obvious, but the main goal is to have a consistent configuration of the JVM targets and shared configuration for the Android values minSdk, compileSdk and targetSdk.

Additionally, if a version catalog is used, and it contains a version named compose-compiler, this version will be used to configure the composeOptions.kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion value.