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Easily store payments and handle payment gateways in Laravel

This package provides traits and interfaces that will let you easily create and store payments, as well as provide you with a streamlined interface to interact with payment gateways.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require litvinjuan/laravel-payments

If you are using a Laravel version below 5.5, you need to add the following to your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [

Next, you need to publish the config and migration files. Run the following command in your project's root:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\LaravelPaymentsServiceProvider"

Last, run the migrations so that your payments table is created:

php artisan migrate


You will have to create a Model that implements the Payable interface and the HasPayment trait. This is the model your users will be paying for (ej. Order, Product).

The Payable interface has 3 methods you'll need to implement yourself: getPayablePrice() should return the total price that should be paid, getPayableDescription() should return the payment description that should be used in the bank statement and for future reference, payer() should return a reference to whoever should make the payment.

Here's an example:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\HasPayment;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\Payable;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\Payer;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\Payment;
use Money\Money;

 * @property int $id
 * @property Money $total
 * @property User $buyer
 * @property Payment $payment
class Order extends Model implements Payable
    use HasPayment;

    public function getPayablePrice(): Money
        return $this->total;

    public function getPayableDescription(): string
        return 'This is a dummy bank statement';

    public function payer(): Payer
        return $this->buyer;

You will also need to create a Model that implements the Payer interface and the CanPay trait. This is the model that represents whoever will be paying (tip: this is generally your User model).

The Payer interface has 1 method you'll need to implement yourself: getPayerEmail() should return the payer's email address.

Here's an example:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\CanPay;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\Payer;
use litvinjuan\LaravelPayments\Payments\Payment;

 * @property int $id
 * @property string $email
 * @property-read Payment[] $payments
class User extends Model implements Payer
    use CanPay;

    public function getPayerEmail(): string
        return $this->email;

Whenever you need to make a purchase, create your Payable model as you normally would.

$order = new Order();
$order->total = new Money(2900, 'USD');

Once you have your Payable instance, you can call the createPayment method.

$payment = order->createPayment();

To interact with gateways, you first need to get a Gateway instance:

$gateway = GatewayFactory::make($payment);

This will return a Gateway instance based on the payment's gateway_name attribute.

Then we can check that the gateway supports the call we are trying to make:

if (! $gateway->supportsPurchase()) {
    throw InvalidRequestException::notSupported();

if (! $gateway->supportsRefund()) {
    throw InvalidRequestException::notSupported();

// ...
// See full list of calls below

The following 10 calls are currently supported:

* Authorize             // Authorize an amount on the customer's card
* CompleteAuthorize     // Handle return from off-site authorization  
* Capture               // Capture a previously authorized amount
* Purchase              // Automatically authorize and purchase an amount on the customer's card
* CompletePurchase      // Handle return from off-site authorization
* GetPayment            // Get information about a specific payment
* PaymentNotification   // Process a received payment notification
* Refund                // Refund a previously charged amount to the customer's card
* Void                  // Void a payment
* ValidatePayment       // Validates whether a payment was successful or not

Note: It is recommended that you use the ValidatePayment call before approving your customer's purchase.

Note: Individual gateways might not support every call, and thus you should always check the corresponding supports() method.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information.


A MercadoPago Payment package for Laravel







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