This is a fork of jgamblin/Mirai-Source-Code. The intent is to create a clean build environment of Mirai for analysis and sandboxing.
Things have changed from the original:
- Merged Felicitychou's additions
- setup Vagrant file
- Removed obfuscation of table.c, so no need to run "enc" tool anymore. Added de-obfuscator to /tools/ dir.
- modified some of the original shell scripts to install more cross compiler packages and remove build errors
- modified to download go packages
steps to setup build environment
git pull
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/mirai
Steps to create database:
cat Configure_CNC_Database.txt | mysql -u root --password=password
Start the CnC
- make a prompt file in ./release
cd ./release
sudo ./cnc
telnet localhost
After building the binaries, you'll want to deploy the built bot's to another machine for communication. I suggest the following steps:
- Create bare linux vm (ubuntu server works)
- join that vm to virtual box network mirai_net (see Vagrantfile )
- drop compiled x86 binary (rename to the magic word or it won't run right)
- Spoof DNS. The easy version is to go
sudo python /vagrant/tools/
after a vagrant up (again see source and Vagrantfile) - Make sure your gateways are dead ended, dont do NAT or packet forwarding or any nonesense....
This is the source code released from here as discussed in this Brian Krebs Post.
I found from VT from VT from VT
Maybe they are original files.
Configuring_CNC_Database.txt from from