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Copyright 2020, 2021 IMTEK Simulation, University of Freiburg, 2022 livMatS

Author: Johannes Hoermann,


This container composition provides a working dtool lookup server ecosystem. It serves as testing framework and template for provision. Components are

Quick start


bash maintenance/ localhost

from within repository root to replace the placeholder my.domain.placeholder with localhost wherever it occurs. Next, run

cd keys && bash ./

to generate tls/ssl and jwt keys, then source the hidden file

source .env

to set a few general environment variables which are referenced across the YAML compose files. Importantly, this will set $HOSTNAME to localhost.

Afterwards, source the preconfigured env file

source env.testing.rc

and to set $DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS to a stack of YAML compose files and run with

docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} up -d

to bring up a fully functional dtool ecosystem composition.

The default configuration exposes several services behind a reverse proxy. If the composition runs on localhost, then

  • /lookup routes expose the lookup server
  • /token exposes the token generator
  • /config routes might expose the config generator, but not for the testing composition launched here
  • / directly exposes the lookup server webapp

Composition-wide environment variables

Use a docker compose .env file with content

# ssl cerificates


to override defaults for site address and ports.

Hard-coded domain name


bash maintenance/ $HOSTNAME

to replace the my.domain.placeholder string hard-coded within several files by $HOSTNAME (or any other domain).

Stacking docker-compose files

Several combinable docker-compose files are available as samples. These are stacked and merged on the command line in the manner of

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.default-envs.yml -f docker-compose.alt-ports.yml up -d

Inspect the env*rc files to understand how to use them.

source env.testing.alt-ports.rc
docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} up -d

will set up the docker-compose command line options accordingly in ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} and bring up a server on alternative ports. Make sure execute all docker-compose commands on the composition with the same set of parameters.

To see the resulting compose configuration, use

docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} config

Pinned versions

Two docker-compose override files are used for pinning versions on images. These versions are used in CI workflows. Latest images used per default may not work. For pinning all images to these sversions, use

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.versions.yml \
               -f docker-compose.default-envs.yml -f docker-compose.default-ports.yml \
               -f docker-compose.testing.yml -f docker-compose.testing.versions.yml up -d

TLS/SSL certificates

This compositon may use to install certificates. These are expected to reside within ${HOME}/ on the host machine.

Use the neilpang/ docker image and commands like

# get help
docker run neilpang/ --help

# issue testing certificates for first time, this happens via Let's Encrypt
mkdir -p $HOME/
docker run -v "$HOME/" -p 80:80 --rm neilpang/ \ --issue -d --standalone --staging

# then replace testing certificates with proper ones,
docker run -v "$HOME/" --rm neilpang/ \ --register-account -m
docker run -v "$HOME/" -p 80:80 --rm neilpang/ \ --issue -d --standalone --force

to issue and store certificates. Then, use

source env.testing.valid-certificates.alt-ports.rc
docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} up -d

to install these certificates into the composition at startup. Inspect env.testing.valid-certificates.alt-ports.rc and docker-compose.acme.yml and adapt them as needed.


Per default, this composition provides self-signed SSL certificates. To access the dtool-lookup-webapp within this testing configuration via your browser, add the generated certificates as security exceptions to your browser. You will have to retrieve the certificates for the web app, the lookup server and the token genrator. If running locally in default configuration, retrieve the certificates from


On launch, a test dataset is placed on the smb share. It might be necessary to manually refresh the index to register this testing dataset after the first launch, i.e.

docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} exec -it dserver /refresh_index

After pod up and images available, relaunch interactive session for manual testing with

docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} run -it --entrypoint bash dtool

or run dtool commands directly, i.e. via

$ docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} run -it dtool search 'Test'
    "base_uri": "smb://test-share",
    "created_at": 1604860720.736,
    "creator_username": "jotelha",
    "dtoolcore_version": "3.17.0",
    "frozen_at": 1605786853.623,
    "name": "simple_test_dataset",
    "tags": [],
    "type": "dataset",
    "uri": "smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675",
    "uuid": "1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675"
$ docker compose ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTS} run -it dtool ls smb://test-share

From within ldap container, use

ldapsearch -p 1389 -h localhost -b dc=example,dc=org -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w adminpassword

for testing availability. From within sambaserver container, use

smbclient -U guest -W WORKGROUP //localhost/sambashare

to test availability.


TODO: Use proper docker secrets for providing keys.


To update docker-compose specs version, use

grep -l "version: '2'" docker-compose.* | xargs sed -i "s/version: '2'/version: '3.8'/g"


It is possible to run the github actions workflow in .github/workflows/test.yml locally with the help of docker and act.

After installing and configuring act run

act -P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest -s GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN -W .github/workflows/test.yml --bind

from within this repository. $GITHUB_TOKEN must hold a valid access token. The user must be member of the docker group. The --bind option avoids quirky permission errors by running the test in the current directory. This will however result in the local creation of two subdirectories dserver-container-composition and workflow during testing, which may be removed with

rm -rf dserver-container-composition
sudo rm -rf workflow

eventually. All tests have been confirmed to work with the catthehacker/ubuntu:full-20.04 runner.