Permission Manager
- Camera.
- Photos.
- Contacts.
- Calendar.
- Reminder.
- Media Library.
- Microphone.
- Siri.
- Motion.
- Speech.
- Location.
- Notification.
- AppTracking.
- Bluetooth.
CocoaPods - Podfile
source ''
// All
pod 'PermissionKit'
// Add separately
pod 'PermissionKit/Camera'
pod 'PermissionKit/Photos'
pod 'PermissionKit/Contacts'
pod 'PermissionKit/Event'
pod 'PermissionKit/Motion'
pod 'PermissionKit/Speech'
pod 'PermissionKit/Media'
pod 'PermissionKit/Siri'
pod 'PermissionKit/Location'
pod 'PermissionKit/Notification'
pod 'PermissionKit/Tracking'
pod 'PermissionKit/Bluetooth'
Carthage - Cartfile
github "lixiang1994/PermissionKit"
First make sure to import the framework:
import PermissionKit
Here are some usage examples. All devices are also available as simulators:
Provider.XXXXXX.isAuthorized { (result) in
print("isAuthorized: \(result)")
Provider.XXXXXX.request { (result) in
print("isAuthorized: \(result)")
public protocol PermissionAlertable {
init(_ source: PermissionAlertContentSource)
func show(_ status: AlertStatus, with сompletion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void)
let alert = SystemAlert(ChineseAlertContent()) { result in
/* ... */
CustomAlert need to implement PermissionAlertable
If you have the need for a specific feature that you want implemented or if you experienced a bug, please open an issue. If you extended the functionality of PermissionKit yourself and want others to use it too, please submit a pull request.
PermissionKit is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.