Hey - my slides are in the pdf file you can get above, but I also listed my resources below.
- StackOverflow
- Google - watch out for sites from 2001
- Mozilla Developer Network - awesome collection of guides/links
- jsFiddle - lets you develop js/css/html side-by-side to play with things
- CoffeeScript - language that compiles to JS, nicer syntax / slightly cleaner semantics
- node.js - fast server-side JS
- jQuery - jQuery site with links, documentations
- Backbone.js - front-end app framework
- jQuery UI - lots of neat pre-build widgets for common tasks
- d3.js - cool graphing/visualization library
- socket.io - WebSocket library that handles fallbacks for old browsers, used in server (node) and client
- underscore.js - library that provides functions for common things you do