This repository contains a simple movie recommendation engine. The development of this engine is used in articles and talks to demonstrate how test driven development and CI/CD can be applied to data analytics and ml models.
To use the notebooks/scripts in this repository you should create a virtual environment with python 3.9 (this is the latest python version that AWS Glue Supports)
To manage python environments I recommend pyenv (it's forked from rbenv):
- You can get started with pyenv here:
Once you have pyenv installed you can follow these steps. From the root of the project run:
- pyenv install 3.9.15
- pyenv local 3.9.15
- pip3 install -r analysis/requirements.txt
You should now be able to run the following command:
cd analysis/notebooks && jupyter lab
This should open the jupyter notebooks in the notebooks directory. You should be able to run the
Movie Data Analysis.ipynb
from start to finish without errors.
Navigating to run tests from the root you can run the following:
cd analysis && pytest
To run a single test from root:
cd analysis && pytest utils/tests/
To build the resources needed to run the glue job in aws you should move into the tf directory then run:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- The terraform holds its state remotely. You should create an aws bucket in your aws account named
- You should create a dynamo-db table named
- That table MUST have an id of LockID
- You will need to change the name of your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names must be globally unique
- You need to manually add the
from analysis/notebooks/input/all_movies.csv to your S3 bucket once it's created - You will need to run the ./ script manually if you don't let github run the step for you before using the script in AWS