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In this journey, we capture the regulatory compliance logic for the Food Supplier Verification Program in a smart contract deployed on a business network.

This business network defines:

Participants: Supplier Importer Retailer Regulator

Assets: ProductListingContract

Transactions: createProductListing transferListing checkProducts updateExemptedList

Initially, the supplier will transfer the food products to an importer who verifies whether the supplier, country, and food type all match with the correct identifiers. At port of entry, the supplier is checked against a list of known suppliers in a database (managed by the regulator). If the supplier is of type exempt, then the products are then transferred to the retailer. If the supplier is of type non-exempt, then the products are checked against a list of known food products in the database (managed by the regulator). If the food is exempt product then transfer it to the retailer. If the food is a non-exempt product, the importer must conduct a harms analysis (either independently, or using a third-party). The supplier provides the harms analysis report to the regulator. The regulator reviews compliance attestation and transfers the products to the retailer.

The createProductListing function is called when an createProductListing transaction is submitted. The logic allows a supplier to create a ProductListingContract asset.

The transferListing function is called when a transferListing transaction is submitted by the owner of ProductListingContract. It is submitted either by Supplier to transfer ProductListingContract to Importer or by Importer to transfer ProductListingContract to Retailer when the exempt check for the products is completed.

The checkProducts function is called when a checkProducts transaction is submitted by the Supplier to perform the exempt check for the products present in the ProductListingContract. The status of ProductListingContract contract will change to CHECKCOMPLETED if all all the products are exempted else the status will change to HAZARDANALYSISCHECKREQ. HAZARDANALYSISCHECKREQ means the Supplier needs to provide Hazard Analysis report for the products. After submitting the report Supplier performs the checkProducts transaction to complete the exempt check for the products.

The updateExemptedList function is called when a updateExemptedList transaction is submitted by the Regulator to update the list of exempted Orgs ids and Product ids.

Audience level : Intermediate Developers

If you have an IBM cloud lite account, you can also use the free version of the Blockchain Platform 2.0 for this pattern.

Included Components

  • Hyperledger Fabric (Blockchain)
  • Kubernetes

Application Workflow Diagram

  • Install Hyperledger Fabric development tools
  • Configure and start Hyperledger Fabric network
  • Use Fabric SDK to enroll user and invoke blockchain transactions


  1. Deploy Hyperledger network as group of Docker containers (Kubernetes if hosted)
  2. Install smart contracts on Hyperledger containers
  3. Express backend uses Fabric SDK to create and enroll blockchain user
  4. User submits transactions through Vue UI
  5. Vue UI forwards requests to Express backend, which executes requests on the ledger with Fabric SDK
  6. Ledger state is retrieved by SDK and displayed in Vue UI

Install Prerequisites:


To interact with the hosted offerings, the IBM Cloud CLI will need to be installed beforehand. The latest CLI releases can be found at the link here. An install script is maintained at the mentioned link, which can be executed with one of the following commands

# Mac OSX
curl -fsSL | sh

# Linux
curl -fsSL | sh

# Powershell
iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

After installation is complete, confirm the CLI is working by printing the version like so

ibmcloud -v
# Log in
ibmcloud login

Finally, install the container service plugin. This plugin allows us to communicate with the IBM Cloud container service and provision a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes is used here to host the application and blockchain network.

ibmcloud plugin install container-service -r Bluemix

Kubernetes CLI

We'll also need to install the kubectl CLI to deploy the application on the provisioned Kubernetes cluster. This requires a configuration file specifying information for each container, such as the base docker image, exposed ports, default command, etc.

# OS X
curl -P /usr/local/bin/
# Linux
curl -P /usr/local/bin/

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl -v

Node.js packages

If expecting to run this application locally, please install Node.js and NPM. Currently the Hyperledger Fabric SDK only appears to work with node v8.9.0+, but is not yet supported on node v9.0+. If your system requires newer versions of node for other projects, we'd suggest using nvm to easily switch between node versions. We did so with the following commands

curl -o- | bash
# Place next three lines in ~/.bash_profile
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
nvm install v8.9.0
nvm use 8.9.0

To run the Food Regulation UI locally, we'll need to install a few node libraries which are listed in our package.json file.

  • Vue.js: Used to simplify the generation of front-end components
  • Express.js: Used to provide custom api endpoints
  • Hyperledger Fabric SDK: Enables backend to connect to IBM Blockchain service


Golang is a programming language we'll use to write "smart contracts". Smart contracts are essentially functions that can be used to query and update the ledger.

Golang can be installed by visiting the following link, and downloading the package for your operating system.

On OS X, we can install go by downloading and selecting the .pkg file, and click through the prompt. If using Linux, we can install go by downloading the .tar.gz file and extracting it to /usr/local

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go*tar.gz

By default, the "GOPATH" environment variable should be set to $HOME/go. Set this GOPATH variable in your ~/.bash_profile.



Visit the following link to download Visual Studio code for your operating system.

Once VSCode is installed, follow the requirements here to install the IBM Blockchain Platform extension.


  1. Clone Git Repository
  2. Package Smart Contract
  3. Deploy local Blockchain Network
  4. Start Node server
  5. Populate Ledger and Simulate Transactions

1. Clone Git Repository

git clone

2. Package Smart Contract

We'll interact with VSCode via a graphic interface. If you're running on Linux or a headless operating system, or would prefer to manage the network manually via shell scripts, please skip ahead to the section labelled "Local Scripts".

These smart contracts are written in Golang, so the source code for the smart contracts will need to be copied to the src folder in your GOPATH. This can be done like so.

mkdir $GOPATH/src/
cp chaincode/*go $GOPATH/src/

After this step, there should be several .go files in the directory, we can confirm with a ls command like so

Kalonjis-MacBook-Pro:~$ ls $GOPATH/src/
foodSupply.go	lib.go		read_ledger.go	write_ledger.go
  • Open VS Code

  • In the menu, Click "File" and then "Open" (Or press CMD + O). Navigate to the directory where your GOPATH directory is set (this should default to ~/go), and select the directory at $GOPATH/src/

  • Press "F1", and choose the option "IBM Blockchain Platform: Package a Smart Contract Project"

  • Enter a name and version. Here we'll use "food" and "1.0".

  • Select the "IBM Blockchain Platform" button on the left hand menu

  • In the "Smart Contract Packages" section, right click on the newly generated smart contract, and then click "export" to save the generate chaincode as a .cds file. Keep note of the directory, as we'll need to reference it later.

3. Deploy a Blockchain Network

We'll then need to deploy an Hyperledger network. This is done by provisioning each component in a docker container, and running configuration scripts to create and join a peer and channel. There are two methods to do so, and we'll need to only do one or the other.

The first recommended method is using the "VSCode" application.


  • Select the menu in the "Local Fabric Ops" section, and click "Start Fabric Runtime". This downloads and starts the Hyperledger docker images.

  • If the network is started successfully, we should see options to "Instantiate" and "Install" the smart contracts.

  • First, click "Install", select the default peer (, and then select the name of the contract we've just built, which will be "food@1.0" in our case. If this is successful, our chaincode should show up in the "Installed" section.

  • Next, click "Instantiate", select the default channel (mychannel), and then select the name of the contract we've just built, which will be "food@1.0" in our case. Enter Init for the function, and enter an integer "101" as the argument. This Init function is called whenever chaincode is being instantiated or upgraded, and initializes the application state. More information can be found on the Init method and other Chaincode inferface methods here

  • After the chaincode is installed and instantiated, we should see the following output in the Local Fabric Ops section

Local Scripts

As an alternative to VSCode, we can also use the Hyperledger fabric scripts to provision a network like so.

cd local

# confirm hyperledger containers are up and running
docker ps

Next, we'll need to install the "Smart Contracts" / "Chaincode", which are a series of functions that have the ability to modify the ledger. This is done by copying the source code into the cli container, and then running peer chaincode install and peer chaincode instantiate to activate the chaincode.


The install script should result in the following output. Confirm that all status codes have the value of "200" and "OK"

After the chaincode has been installed, we can run a sample chaincode invocation to confirm things are configured properly. This can be done by using the docker exec command, and providing arguments to target our hyperledger network and invoke the read_everything function. This should return a 200 status code and a JSON object with products, retailer, and regulator keys.

docker exec cli peer chaincode invoke -o -C mychannel -n food -c '{"Args":["read_everything"]}'

4. Deploy Node Application

In this section, we'll leverage the Node.js Express and Vue frameworks to provide a user friendly way to interact with the Blockchain network.


The backend uses the Hyperledger Fabric SDK to communicate with a blockchain network, which can be either local or hosted.

Local Update /etc/hosts file with following entries

Enter backend directory, install dependencies, and start application with npm start. The DEPLOY_TYPE=local variable is only necessary when running against a local Hyperledger network. If this variable is not set, the credentials for a hosted blockchain service will need to be provided through the UI form.

cd ..
cd backend
npm install
PORT=30001 DEPLOY_TYPE=local npm start



cd ..
cd frontend
npm install
npm run serve

Visit the UI at localhost:8080

5. Populate Ledger and Simulate Transactions

Initially the ledgerState will be blank. We can begin populating it with data by creating participants. To get the latest data from the ledger at any time, click the "Refresh Ledger" button.

Click the "Create User" button.

Select the "Supplier" type from a dropdown, and enter a Country and Org ID.

This will invoke a "init_user" function with the following data.

	id: "supplier1",
	type: "supplier",
	country: "US",
	orgId: "org1"

Repeat the "Create User" process for a Retailer, Importer, Supplier

Also click the "Create Regulator" button, and enter a unique ID to create a new Regulator.

Select the "Create Product" button, and fill out the form with a unique ID, quantity, and origin country.

Now, we can create a product listing. We'll do this by selecting "Create Product Listing", and providing a Listing ID and one or more product IDs. Also we'll need to specify a supplier ID, to specify the original creator of the listing.

After executing the transaction successfully, we should be able to click the "Refresh Ledger" button to see a table of the newly created listing. Since this is a new listing, we'll need to transfer it to a "Importer". This can be done with the "Transfer Product" button, and entering the ID of the listing and the new owner.

Once the transfer is complete, the listing status will change from INITIALREQUEST, to EXEMPTCHECKREQ, meaning a request will need to be submitted to have a Regulator check the products in the listing, and confirm that none of the products are from an exempted Organization or Country. If any of the Products are exempted, the listing state will be changed to HAZARDANALYSISCHECKREQ, and we'll be unable to transfer the listing to a retailer.

We can simulate an inspection by clicking on the "Check Products" button. This will render a form requiring the listing ID and a regulator ID. If this completes successfully, the product listing will change to CHECKCOMPLETED.

At this point, we can transfer the listing to a retailer using the "Transfer Listing" button.

This will update the Retailer product fields, and the Owner of the listing as seen below


Unable to start network through VSCode

# change to directory where vscode plugins are installed
cd ~/.vscode/extensions/
cd basic-network

Additional Resources


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

Apache Software License (ASL) FAQ


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  • JavaScript 43.0%
  • Go 28.0%
  • Vue 22.7%
  • Shell 4.6%
  • HTML 1.7%