My name is Jiancheng (JC) Liu. I am a graduate student in Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. I currently work at OPTML Group, advised by Prof. Sijia Liu. My research goal is to foster a seamless integration of AI with humanity, through a deeper comprehension of natural laws and societal dynamics. A recent topic of my research is enhancing AI's trustworthiness through Machine Unlearning.
I received my B.E. in computer science from the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (Yao Class, headed by Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao), Tsinghua University. I am fortunate to have been advised by Prof. Shi-Min Hu on my undergraduate research and bachelor thesis. In 2018, I had some wonderful times working with Prof. Wojciech Matusik and Dr. Yuanming Hu at MIT.
Before studying at MSU, I joined Taichi Graphics Technology, Inc. as a start-up member in 2021. During my employment, I focused on developing Taichi Lang and delving into differentiable physics.
Email: liujia45 (at) msu (dot) edu [CV] [Google Scholar] [GitHub] [LinkedIn]