The gravitas
package has one primary goal: to provide lighnting fast acceleration vectors for satellite orbit propagation. It currently supports:
Model | Central Body | Maximum Degree/Order |
EGM96 | Earth | 360 |
GRGM360 | Moon | 360 |
pip install gravitas
import gravitas
import numpy as np
r_ecef = np.array([[7000.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 7000.0, 0.0]])
# Define an [nx3] numpy array in Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinates [km]
g_vector = gravitas.acceleration(r_ecef, max_order=360, use_model="EGM96")
# Query the acceleration at these positions using a maximum degree/order of 360 and the EGM96 Earth gravity model
>>> [[-8.14574564e-03 -2.19120213e-08 3.01312643e-08]
[-2.25445258e-07 -8.14546631e-03 -1.50901874e-08]]
Gravitas uses the normalized Pines' method, based on an implementation by DeMars. DeMars' implementation was translated from MATLAB into C++ and is imported as an extension.