A collection of awesome Hacker News apps, libraries, resources and shiny things.
ON-GOING TODO: Change all plain links to linked app names.
- http://hack.ernews.info/ by Antonis Karamitros
- http://hckrnews.com/ by Wayne Larsen
- http://hn.embed.ly/ by Bob Corsaro - broken due to rate limiting source
- http://hacker-newspaper.gilesb.com/ by Giles Bowkett
- http://project.mahemoff.com/hn/ by Michael Mahemoff
- http://www.hnshowcase.com/ by Shiwei Song and Moses Nakamura
- http://hackerslide.com/ by Peter Cooper
- http://hackerbra.in/ by Adrian Wajsbrem
- http://www.daemonology.net/hn-daily/ & http://www.daemonology.net/hn-weekly-show/ by Colin Percival
- http://donohoe.io/projects/hn/ by Michael Donohoe
- http://hn.elijames.org/ by Eli James
- http://www.hn2.co/ by Zeaun Zarrieff
- http://hntimeline.com/ by Iván Castellanos
- http://theajaxpost.appspot.com/theajaxpost by Michael Kariv
- http://rewindhn.com/ by Dominik Dabrowski
- http://hnrankings.info/ by Marc Neuwirth
- http://showinghn.com/ by Ben Wasser
- http://showhen.me/ by larvaetron
- http://yahnr.com/ by Dan Goldin
- http://hn.cxhristian.com/ by cXhristian
- http://www.hnstore.co/ by Raimonds Plavenieks
- http://hn-books.com/ by Daniel Markham
- http://hntoplinks.com/ by Engin Guller
- http://www.cahella.com/ by Yodi aditya
- http://hnhiring.com/ by Jordi Noguera
- http://hnhiring.me/ by Micah Wylde
- http://nizhu.github.io/hn-jobs/ by nizhu
- http://www.fullhn.com/ by Maurice Svay
- http://curatedhnhiring.com/ by Michael Chen
- https://www.hnwatcher.com/
- http://hn-filter.appspot.com/
- http://apps.defsym.me/hntrendz by rationalrevolt
- http://hn-polls.herokuapp.com/
- http://newshack.io/ by Xcoo, Inc
- http://www.hind-cite.com/
- http://gaganpreet.github.io/hn-hiring-mapped/src/web/ by Gaganpreet
- http://gohinder.com/
- http://www.tiledhn.com/ by Prakhar Bhandari
- http://insin.github.io/react-hn/ by Jonny Buchanan
- http://hn-tldr.herokuapp.com/ by Matt Bachmann
- http://reread.io/ by sorpa'as plat
- http://hnpaper.forge.partlab.io/ by Régis Gaidot
- http://chancancode.github.io/hn-reader by Godfrey Chan
- The Mood Tool by Chris Villa
- serializer.io by Charlie Egan
- Wayback HN by Jonathan Dubin
- Hackjob.io by David Titarenco
- See what Hacker News looked like on the day you joined by Bemmu Sepponen
http://hntop100.com/ by Rob McCulloughhttps://hnjobs.org/ by monologicalhttp://donohoe.io/projects/hn/ by Michael Donohoebroken?http://hackerfollow.com/ by Eric Kerr and Ben Gilberthttp://hackernewsers.com/ by Charles Pick502http://hackerstream.com/ by Kartik Agaramdown?http://hn4d.com/ by EzGraphshttp://hnbests.com/ by Sasan Rosehttp://hnflood.com/http://hnterest.com/ by Bryan Goinesdown?http://lab.varun.io/hn_all_time_top_links/ by Varun- ~~http://www.hneasy.com/~~~
- http://hn.meteor.com/ by Zach Denton
- http://ihackernews.com/ by Ronnie Roller
http://hn.gethifi.com/ by Joel Sutherland and Kris Jordan- http://www.icombinator.net/ by Benny Wong
http://smus.com/x/hackernews/ by Boris Smus403 Forbiddenhttp://hn.arcticmill.com/ by ArcticmillApplication Error- http://hn.premii.com/ by Dharmesh Patel
- http://hn.linssen.me/ by Wil Linssen
- http://hn.dinopost.com/
- http://hnmobile.herokuapp.com/ by mheguevara
- http://hackerwebapp.com/ by Lim Chee Aun
- http://www.hackernews.im/ by Poly Miao source
- http://hn.reapp.io/ by Nate Wienert
- Ainomma by Adam Cooper
- Hacker News Mobile (GitHub) by James Friend
- http://hnapp.com/ by Nikita Gazarov
- http://ashleyw.co.uk/project/hacker-news-feeds by Ashley Williams
- http://feedhint.com/ by Raphael Pereira
- https://edavis.github.io/hnrss/ by Eric Davis
- http://www.hackernewsletter.com/ by Kale Davis
- http://hnsummaries.com/ by David Yang
- http://www.showhndaily.com/ by Erica Reed
- http://www.hnmention.com/ by Teng Siong Ong
- http://hnnotify.com/ by The Buzz Media
- http://hndigest.wordpress.com/ by Julian Corlet
- http://www.hndigest.com/
- http://hs.clojurecup.com/ by Oskar Thorén
- http://hackerdesignernews.com/ by José Padilla
- http://www.hackersdaily.com/ by Mike Singer
- http://hnnotifications.com/ by Iñigo
- HackHires by leandot
- HN Replies by Dan Grossman
- https://twitter.com/newsycombinator
- https://twitter.com/hackernewsbot
- https://twitter.com/hnfirehose
- https://twitter.com/hackerlinks
- https://twitter.com/newsyc20
- https://twitter.com/newsyc50
- https://twitter.com/newsyc100
- https://twitter.com/newsyc150
- https://twitter.com/newsyc200
- https://twitter.com/newsyc250
- https://twitter.com/JustShowHN
- https://twitter.com/HackerNewsYCBot
- ^hackernewsrss.campr.me (a Tent account, no linkable web representation)
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/geancnifhbkbjijfkcjjdnfemppmcjmk by Adam Albrecht
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/plldnnbdlbgbiknjebohmlggcbicghlj by Tim Dupree
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chngbdmhgakoomomnnhfapkpbalpmhid by Yiannis Volos
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/what-hn-says/claakfcablnjpapfkgfljfoaphbicdnf What HN says by Flávio Juvenal
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hacker-news-hotkeys/nkeegljkkibjiiaehmjfncdbkbbgdojb by David Trejo
- https://github.com/janhancic/hnHiringFilter https://github.com/janhancic/hn-favourite-users https://github.com/janhancic/hn-unread-comments by Jan Hančič
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/georgify/ofjfdfaleomlfanfehgblppafkijjhmi by Tuhin Kumar
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hackemup/abjhkncpebiaepcpeopknaghepekbnpm?hl=en HackemUp by Oliver Beattie
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hacker-news/gdljjmpecaafiaedefdogicdipcnmace by Dharmesh Patel
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hackercut/dmiimkldokblocpmleogaeohkbffnobo by Zinan Xing
- http://hackbook.club/ by Cyrus Adkisson
- https://www.jitbit.com/hacker-news-rank/ by Artiom Dashinsky
- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hn-reader/emgghjnnkkopedbjfajejpkidaiedhlf by Godfrey Chan
- Hacker News Real-Time by Kanat Bekt
- http://www.guidefreitas.com/hacker-news-menubar-osx/ by Guilherme Juraszek
- http://www.hackyapp.com/ by Elias Klughammer
- http://whimsyapps.com/hn/ by James Dumay
- http://hackerbarapp.com/ by Mark Rickert
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mackernews-hacker-news-client/id946730699?mt=12 by Haris Amin
- https://hackermenu.io/ by Jingwen Owen Ou
- https://github.com/guidefreitas/iHNews by Guilherme Juraszek
- http://michaelgrinich.com/hackernews/ by Michael Grinich
- http://newsyc.me/ by Grant Paul
- http://www.hnreaderapp.com/ by Ryan Scherf and Steve Finkelstein
- http://blog.libinpan.com/hacker-news/ by Libin Pan
- http://hackernewspaper.com/ by Sam McDonald
- http://www.hckrne.ws/ HckrNe.ws by Bruce Cheek
- http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/simple-hacker-news-simple/id563736471?mt=8 Simple Hacker News by Ashish Gandhi
- https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/hackerful-ycombinators-hacker/id578256868?mt=8 Hackerful by Alberto Garcia Hierro
- http://subvertapps.com/HN/ by Ben Gordon
- http://weiranzhang.com/hackers by Weiran Zhang
- http://42mini.co/minihack by Cai GuangShao
- http://shadowdevelopments.co.uk/HN/ by Daniel Tomlinson
- http://hodgesmr.github.io/CoderNews/ by Matt Hodges
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hacker-news-top-stories/id427692437?mt=8 Hack News Top Stories by Andrew Jones
- https://itunes.apple.com/app/hacker-news-padreader/id428331410?mt=8 by Ben Shive
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pivit/id705715915?mt=8 by Alaric Cole
- http://brushedtype.co/apps/hack-later/ by Mert Dumenci
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hacker-news-yc/id713733435 - Hacker News (YC) by Dharmesh Patel
- http://dimillian.github.io/SwiftHN/ by Thomas Ricouard
- http://www.lollicode.com/hn-cards/
- http://hnclient.weebly.com/ by Marcin Kmiec
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hacker-news-by-reapp/id972297110 by Nate Wienert
- Akepa by Allen Ding
- Boreal by Juan Chomali and Néstor Palao
- hn. by Faiz Mokhtar
- Hackery by Tim Shim
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rickylaishram.hackernews&hl=en by Ricky Laishram
- http://gluegadget.com/hndroid/ by Amir Mohammad Saied
- http://app.net/hackernews by Chad Etzel
- https://github.com/manmal/hn-android/ by Manuel Maly
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evans.hackernews by Mike Evans
- https://github.com/bishopmatthew/hackernews by Matthew Bishop
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vladocar.hn by Vladimir Carrer
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sojustudios.hackernews Hacker News Top Stories by Andrew Jones
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.oguzb.hnreader by Oğuz Bilgener
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.premii.hn - Hacker News (YC) by Dharmesh Patel
- http://dwak.io/holo_hacker_news/ by Anjan Karanam and Vishnu Rajeevan
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mathieuhendey.hackernews by Mathieu Hendey
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fuzzingtheweb.hnreader by Javi Manzano
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.timmutton.yarn by Tim Mutton
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.hidroh.materialistic by Ha Duy Trung
- Yahnac by David González
- Hackers by Eduard Neculaesi
- HNYC by Kasun Gamlath
- Hews by Leav Jenn
- Pumpkin Reader by pumpkinz
- Cheddar by Adrian Blanco
- http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/a5275a3f-6611-48f6-bd62-7382eda4c028 by Miguel Rochefort
- http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/hacker-news/57a88f24-7dce-47cb-b322-33a1a4178533 by Matt McCormick source
- http://www.windowsphone.com/en-gb/store/app/hacky-news/5e5a14a9-d08b-45ee-a5c2-b44713868af7 by Livven
- http://toniobox.dreamhosters.com/hnkindle/ by Antonio Sibal
- Hacker Bits by Ray Li and Maureen Ker
- Hacker Monthly by Lim Cheng Soon
- http://www.hnpod.com/ by Alex Muir
- http://soundgecko.com/station/hacker-news by Long Zheng
- https://github.com/Dimillian/Sublime-Hacker-News-Reader by Thomas Ricouard
- https://github.com/timdavies/HackerNews-SublimeTextPlugin by Tim Davies
- https://github.com/headcanon/node-hn by Nick Donohue
- https://github.com/gedex/gohn by Akeda Bagus
- https://github.com/pkrumins/hacker-top by Peteris Krumins
- http://andrewvos.com/2013/08/02/hacker-news-in-the-terminal/ by Andrew Vos
- https://github.com/andrewstuart/hn by Andrew Stuart
- https://github.com/mtharrison/hackernews by Matt Harrison
- haxor-news by Donne Martin
- pyhn by Geoffrey Lehée
- go-hn by Shashank Sharma
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.