Convert RSS or Atom feeds to gophermap files.
Usage: gopherfeed FEED_URL [GOPHERMAP] [OPTIONS] Convert RSS/Atom feed at FEED_URL to Gophermap file and save to GOPHERMAP if specified, otherwise print to stdout
Or: gopherfeed -f FEED_FILE [GOPHERMAP] [OPTIONS] Read RSS/Atom feed URLs from FEED_FILE (one URL per line) and create a single Gophermap containing aggregated entries from all feeds. Save to GOPHERMAP if specified, otherwise print to stdout
Or: gopherfeed -f FEED_FILE -d GOPHER_DIR [OPTIONS] Read RSS/Atom feed URLs from FEED_FILE (one URL per line) and create a directory structure of Gophermaps, including a central index, under GOPHER_DIR
Common options (all usage patterns):
-t Timestamp feed entries in gophermap file
-x Exclude Gopherfeed version footer
Options for combining feed file (2nd usage pattern):
-n NUMBER Specify maximum number of feed entries to include
(defaults to 20)
Options for feed file directory structure (3rd usage pattern):
-h HOSTNAME Specify hostname to use in central index Gophermap
(defaults to FQDN of current machine)
-i INDEX_HEADER Specify a header to print at the top of the central
index Gophermap
-p PORT Specify port to use in central index Gophermap
(defaults to 70)
-s SORT Specify order in which feeds are listed in central
index. Options are:
alpha - sort alphabetically by title
time - sort by time of most recent entry
Note that in the 3rd pattern, gopherfeed should be run from within the Goper server's root directory, as GOPHER_DIR will be created (if necessary) in the current working directory. Paths in the central index Gophermap will begin with GOPHER_DIR, so if GOPHER_DIR is not in the Gopher root then the server will not be able to find the individual feed directories.
Feed files should contain one URL, including scheme (e.g. http://), per line. Blank lines and lines beginning with # will be ignored.
By invoking usage patterns 2 or 3 from an hourly cron job, you can use your Gopher client as a basic feed aggregator. This works best if you use a client which also has seamless HTTP/HTML support (e.g. lynx or Overbite).
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