It is recommended to use Node 18 or later.
For running in a simulator/emulator, make sure you have set up React Native by following the official documentation.
Create a new project using this template by simply running the command:
npx react-native@latest init MyApp --template studio-hysteric/react-native-essential
Library | Version | Description |
React Native | v0.73 | π± The backbone of your mobile app |
React | v18 | βοΈ Powering UI components |
TypeScript | v5 | π οΈ Static typechecking |
React Navigation | v6 | π§ Seamless navigation |
Redux-toolkit | v2 | ποΈ Redux but less boilerplate and easy usage |
RN Reanimated | v3 | π Smooth animations |
RN Gesture Handler | v2 | π Simplifying complex gestures |
RN MMKV | v2 | ποΈ Efficient key-value storage for React Native |
RN Keyboard Controller | v1 | β¨οΈ Control the keyboard like a pro |
i18next | v23 | π Internationalization made simple |
React Hook Form + zod | v7 + v3 | π Elegant form handling with validation |
ky | v1 | π Simple yet powerful HTTP client |
swr | v2 | π React Hooks for data fetching |
dayjs | v1 | π°οΈ Lightweight alternative to Moment |
use-immer | v0.9.0 | π¨ Simplify state updates with immer |
FlashList | v1 | π Performant replacement for FlatList |
βββ types
βββ config
βββ navigators
βββ shared
β βββ contexts
β βββ utils
β βββ theme
β βββ hooks
β βββ i18n
β βββ services
βββ screens
βββ libs
βββ components
βββ assets
βββ store
βββ Application.tsx
- Folder name should use Kebab case
- UI file name should use Pascal case, while all other files should use Camel case.
- Prefix custom hooks with use and Higher-Order Components (HOCs) with with.
The boilerplate comes with some basic components to help you get started:
(alternative ofView
(alternative ofTouchableOpacity
(base onTouchable
(wrapper for screen)
Props and examples for this section will be updated soon
The boilerplate includes a script to help you generate your assets quickly and easily
Run the following command:
yarn res
- Usage:
import R from '@/assets'
- Write your custom asset handler
Navigate to the script/generate-asset-resources.js file
var config = {
srcFolderName: 'src',
assetFolderName: 'assets',
resources: {
images: {
resourceFolderName: 'resources',
exts: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'webp', 'tiff', 'tif'],
handler: imageHandler,
icons: {
resourceFolderName: 'resources',
exts: ['svg'],
handler: iconHandler,
The default configuration for the script is provided above, which handles images and SVG icons. You can customize this configuration by editing the existing config object or by modifying the asset handler function. Additionally, You can also create handling for other assets as needed.
For example, add a handler for video assets
var config = {
srcFolderName: 'src',
assetFolderName: 'assets',
resources: {
images: {
resourceFolderName: 'resources',
exts: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'webp', 'tiff', 'tif'],
handler: imageHandler,
// ...
videos: {
resourceFolderName: 'resources',
exts: ['mp4', 'avi', 'mov', 'mkv', 'webm', 'm4v'],
handler: videoHandler,
// And create the videoHandler function
function videoHandler(res) {
let i = 0;
// Your code for video asset handler here
return { []: i }; // Should return like this
// The res param received:
name: 'videos',
path: '/Users/xxx/Desktop/_experimental/react-native-essential/boilerplate/src/assets/videos',
resourceFolderName: 'resources',
exts: [ 'mp4', 'avi', 'mov', 'mkv', 'webm', 'm4v' ],
resourcePath: '/Users/xxx/Desktop/_experimental/react-native-essential/boilerplate/src/assets/videos/resources',
entryFilePath: '/Users/xxx/Desktop/_experimental/react-native-essential/boilerplate/src/assets/videos/index.ts',
handler: [Function: videoHandler]
NOTE: If you ignore exts option or leave it empty, all extensions will be accepted if the available matchFileExt utility function is used (please refer to the code for handling image and icon)
The boilerplate comes with light and dark themes pre-installed
- Usage:
import {useTheme} from '@/shared/contexts/themeContext';
const Component = () => {
const {themeColors, changeTheme, ...} = useTheme();
return (
To add or change theme color, navigate to src/shared/theme/color.ts
Add or change default colors by making changes to the palettes object
NOTE: The first-level key of the palettes object is the name of the theme. The boilerplate comes with light and dark themes and automatically adapts to the current color scheme of the device. If you change the name of the theme to something different from the ones mentioned above, the default theme will be applied to the value of the first key in the palettes object.
The boilerplate comes with vi and en translations pre-configured
- Usage:
import {useI18n} from '@/shared/hooks/useI18n';
const Component = () => {
const {t, changeLanguage, ...} = useI18n();
return <Text>{t('translation_key')}</Text>
Or can use with the Text
const Component = () => {
return <Text t={'translation_key'}/>
Add new language translations by adding a new folder and a translation.json file in src/shared/i18n/locales.
NOTE: The exported translation should be named according to the ISO 639 Set 1 standards. You can refer to ISO 639 for more information.
The boilerplate comes with dev and staging env pre-configured
To add a new environment, create a new env file in the root folder
For example, if you create an env.production file, you should add a type for the env key in src/types/env.d.ts if it hasn't been set Add the line
"start:production": "APP_ENV=production react-native start"
to the scripts section in thepackage.json
This section will be updated soon
This boilerplate is where I learn and distill from the experiences of what I have done and am doing. If it doesn't meet your needs, please refer to the amazing boilerplates below: