The following document should describe a default Python development environment. Which I created in relation to my needs, while working with Python. Feel free to suggest improvements and tips!
Tested and written for Windows 10
Package Manager
Anaconda (
Visual Studio Code (
Linting check
flake8 (
Pre commit checks
pre-commit (
- Download the anaconda installer from the website (Python 3.x and / or python 2.x)
- Run the installer and select all defaults (optional PATH)
- Download the vsc installer from the website
- Run the installer and select all defaults (optional PATH)
Reboot your computer
Open cmd or PowerShell and run:
conda init
- Press
Shift + Ctrl + P
and typeTerminal: Select Default Shell
- Now select as Terminal
Command Promt
Install flake8 via conda
conda activate
conda install -c conda-forge flake8
pip install hacking pylint
Add to VSC the module cornflakes-linter
- Switch with
to the extension widnows, search for the modulecornflakes-linter
and press install. - Open cmd and type
where flake8
to locate the executable and copy the path. - Use Ctrl+, to open the settings and search for executablePath and paste the path from the previous command.
- Now linting with flake8 should be active, you can test it by open a py file and save it after writing some code.
- The output is shown in the
console and in the python code.
You can configure flake8 per project through the file tox.ini, which should be in the root folder. This config will also effects parts of the flake8 pre-commit hook (exclude, ignore e.g.)!
A basic config can be found in teh file files/examples/tox.ini
The main focus should be on ignore and exclude which offer the possibility to ignore error codes and exclude files from the check. But you can set also many other values, for more check out
The error code of flake8 are E***
, W***
used in pep8 and F***
and C9**
E***/W***: Error and warning of pep8
F***: Detection of PyFlakes
C9**: Detection of circulate complexity by McCabe
Error codes overview:
Install it from anaconda
conda activate
conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
(alternatively) Install it with pip
conda activate
pip install pre-commit
[ ? ] Is anaconda already installed?
[ ? ] Is the correct anaconda version installed?
[ ? ] Are all steps freom the previous part done?
When to create a new environment?
[ Y ] Do you start a new project?
[ N ] Do you need a new environment in a project?
Create a new git repo
git init
git add FILES
git commit -m "MSG"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Or add an existing one (be aware that there can be problems!)
git clone
Create a .gitignore file, update yours or use the one from the example folder.
In a Workspace can settings be definded, among others. These override user settings. Workspace settings are specific to a project and can be shared across developers on a project. You find more on
Open VS Code and open the folder you created with File -> Open Folder....
or press Ctrl + K Ctrl + O
Alternativly you can right click in the checkout folder and select Open with code
. Save teh Workspace in the folder with File -> Save workspace As...
Creating a seperate python environment for every project or even for stages is very usefull. To do this follow these steps.
open Anaconda Navigator or Anaconda prompt
- switch to Environments and click
at the bottom - Enter the name and select the Python version and create it
- switch to Environments and click
Select the environment in your VSC
- Press
Shift + Ctrl + P
and typePython: Select Interpreter
- Now select the python env you want to us
- Press
Search them in the Anaconda Cloud (, maybe you need to add a channel)
Use the gui to install them (the complicate way π )
- Open the anaconda navigator and switch to Environments
- Change the Environment for that you want to install the package and in the drop down from installed to All
- Put into Search Packages the name of the package and click the checkbox
- After you selected all packages, click Apply to install them and a second time to confirm the overall change
Use the cli to install them (the easy way π )
- Open the anaconda prompt or the cmd
- Activate your environment with
conda activate ENV_NAME
- Type
conda install -c CHANNEL PACKAGE
to install the package
conda activate
conda install -c conda-forge pytesseract
To install and configure pre-commit, create / add the pre-commit configuration file .pre-commit-config.yaml
to your project root. Decide what you need from the pre commit hooks and remove if unneccessary ( these checks could slow down commits). Finally, install the pre-commit hooks with pre-commit install
These checks are executed when you enter git commit -m "comment"
. At the first execution, all hooks are downloaded and prepared, so it takes some time.
Flake8 is integrated as linting checker and enhanced by the installed module cornflakes-linter
Ignore a error code
Add them into the ``tox.ini`` behind ``ignore =`` and add a comment what and why this ignore.
Exclude files or directories
Add them into the ``tox.ini`` behind ``exclude =`` and add a comment what and why this ignore.
Pre-commit checks your code by upfront defined criteria before the commit is created. Don't exclude checks or remove them, except there is good reason, these checks are usefull for the overall code quality! Checks that would modifie a file will allways fail the commit. You need to adopt these changes, add the file and run commit again.
Anaconda Navigator checks on the startup if an update is available and ask you if you want to update
The packages can be easily updated with the following commands. All envs
conda update --all
Spezific envs
conda update -n ENV --all
Visual Studio Code has an automatic update function, alternatively you can open "Help -> Check for Updates"
You can update your hooks to the latest version automatically by running pre-commit autoupdate
. By default, this will bring the hooks to the latest tag on the master branch.
This works as designed. If a hook modifies files then the commit itself was not ready. You can inspect whether the modifications were correct, re-add, and commit as usual. Modifications are treated as "failure" and let the intelligent end user perform the correct actions.
You need to init conda the first time you run it.
conda init
If you don't wish to send usage data to Microsoft, you can set the telemetry.enableTelemetry user setting to false. VS Code lets you add features to the product by installing Microsoft and third-party extensions. These extensions may be collecting their own usage data and are not controlled by the telemetry.enableTelemetry setting.
File > Preferences > Settings, search for telemetry, and uncheck the Telemetry: Enable Telemetry
Among other things, these where some sources whcih have been used.