This is a SourceMod plugin which allows you to change both world and view model of any weapon server-side. The plugin provides both a config file and a simple but powerful API for adding custom weapon models.
Changing the view model is not intended to be possible server-side, and therefore a bunch of dirty hacks need to be done in order for this to be achieved. See Requirements
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Arm model also needs to be included in custom view model
- Day of Defeat: Source
- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - Untested, but is expected to work
- Team-Fortress 2 - Not recommended, see Custom Weapons plugin instead.
- SourceMod 1.8 or higher
- A view model should work optimally if these requirements are met:
- Matching activities used by the original model
- More than one fire animation
- Contains an arm model (CS:GO)
##Adding a custom model in config The config file is located in the SourceMod config directory and is named weaponmodels_config.cfg
Inside the config you should find a key named "ViewModelConfig". Inside this key, add the following:
"<classname or item definition index>"
"ViewModel" "<path to view model>"
"WorldModel" "<path to world model>"
"TeamNum" "<Team index>" // This will only allow the specified team to use the custom weapon. Teams index is usually 2 or 3
"BlockLAW" "<1/0>" // This will block the look at weapon key in CS:GO, which may otherwise bug the view model
Note that you can just leave out any of the keys you wish not to use
Here is an example
"ViewModel" "models/weapons/v_my_custom_knife.mdl"
"WorldModel" "models/weapons/w_my_custom_knife.mdl"
"BlockLAW" "1"
###List of weapons, class-names and item definition indexes
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
- Day of Defeat: Source
- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
- Team-Fortress 2
The API consists of these natives:
native WeaponModels_AddWeaponByClassName(const String:className[], const String:viewModel[], const String:worldModel[], WeaponModelsFunc:function);
native WeaponModels_AddWeaponByItemDefIndex(itemDefIndex, const String:viewModel[], const String:worldModel[], WeaponModelsFunc:function);
native WeaponModels_RemoveWeaponModel(weaponIndex);
Full documentation of the natives can be found here
Here is an example
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
// Don't forget the weaponmodels include!
#include <weaponmodels>
public void OnMapStart()
WeaponModels_AddWeaponByClassName("weapon_knife", "models/weapons/v_my_custom_knife.mdl", NULL_STRING, WeaponModels_OnWeapon);
// The item def index of the M4A1-S in CS:GO is 60
WeaponModels_AddWeaponByItemDefIndex(60, "models/weapons/v_my_custom_m4a1s.mdl", "models/weapons/w_my_custom_m4a1s.mdl", WeaponModels_OnWeapon);
// Don't forget you can both share or have individual callbacks for weapons. In this case we share the callback
public bool WeaponModels_OnWeapon(int weaponIndex, int client, int weapon, const char[] className, int itemDefIndex)
AdminId adminId = GetUserAdmin(client);
// Player has an invalid admin id, don't show weapon
if (adminId == INVALID_ADMIN_ID)
return false;
// Player is missing the specified admin flags, don't show weapon
if (!(GetAdminFlags(adminId) & ADMFLAG_KICK|ADMFLAG_SLAY))
return false;
// All conditions have passed, show the weapon!
return true;
Some weapons may be missing or invalid
Name | Class-Name |
Glock 18 | weapon_glock |
USP | weapon_usp |
P228 | weapon_p228 |
Desert Eagle | weapon_deagle |
Dual Elites | weapon_elite |
Five-seveN | weapon_fiveseven |
M3 | weapon_m3 |
XM1014 | weapon_xm1014 |
Galil | weapon_galil |
AK47 | weapon_ak47 |
Scout | weapon_scout |
SG552 | weapon_sg552 |
AWP | weapon_awp |
G3SG1 | weapon_gs3g1 |
FAMAS | weapon_famas |
M4A1 | weapon_m4a1 |
AUG | weapon_aug |
SG550 | weapon_sg550 |
MAC-10 | weapon_mac10 |
TMP | weapon_tmp |
MP5 Navy | weapon_mp5navy |
UMP-45 | weapon_ump45 |
P90 | weapon_p90 |
M249 | weapon_m249 |
Flashbang | weapon_flashbang |
High Explosive Grenade | weapon_hegrenade |
Smoke Grenade | weapon_smokegrenade |
C4 Explosive | weapon_c4 |
##List of weapons - CS:GO Some weapons may be missing or invalid
Name | Class-Name | Item definition index |
Desert Eagle | weapon_deagle | 1 |
Dual Berettas | weapon_elite | 2 |
Five-SeveN | weapon_fiveseven | 3 |
Glock-18 | weapon_glock | 4 |
AK-47 | weapon_ak47 | 7 |
AUG | weapon_aug | 8 |
AWP | weapon_awp | 9 |
FAMAS | weapon_famas | 10 |
G3SG1 | weapon_g3sg1 | 11 |
Galil AR | weapon_galilar | 13 |
M249 | weapon_m249 | 14 |
M4A4 | weapon_m4a1 | 16 |
MAC-10 | weapon_mac10 | 17 |
P90 | weapon_p90 | 19 |
UMP-45 | weapon_ump45 | 24 |
XM1014 | weapon_xm1014 | 25 |
PP-Bizon | weapon_bizon | 26 |
MAG-7 | weapon_mag7 | 27 |
Negev | weapon_negev | 28 |
Sawed-Off | weapon_sawedoff | 29 |
Tec-9 | weapon_tec9 | 30 |
Zeus x27 | weapon_taser | 31 |
P2000 | weapon_hkp2000 | 32 |
MP7 | weapon_mp7 | 33 |
MP9 | weapon_mp9 | 34 |
Nova | weapon_nova | 35 |
P250 | weapon_p250 | 36 |
SCAR-20 | weapon_scar20 | 38 |
SG 553 | weapon_sg556 | 39 |
SSG 08 | weapon_ssg08 | 40 |
Knife | weapon_knife | 42 |
Flashbang | weapon_flashbang | 43 |
High Explosive Grenade | weapon_hegrenade | 44 |
Smoke Grenade | weapon_smokegrenade | 45 |
Molotov | weapon_molotov | 46 |
Decoy Grenade | weapon_decoy | 47 |
Incendiary Grenade | weapon_incgrenade | 48 |
C4 Explosive | weapon_c4 | 49 |
Knife | weapon_knife | 59 |
M4A1-S | weapon_m4a1 | 60 |
USP-S | weapon_hkp2000 | 61 |
CZ75-Auto | weapon_p250 | 63 |
Bayonet | weapon_knife | 500 |
Flip Knife | weapon_knife | 505 |
Gut Knife | weapon_knife | 506 |
Karambit | weapon_knife | 507 |
M9 Bayonet | weapon_knife | 508 |
Huntsman Knife | weapon_knife | 509 |
Some weapons may be missing or invalid
Name | Class-Name |
Spade | weapon_spade |
Knife | weapon_amerknife |
C96 | weapon_c96 |
P38 | weapon_p38 |
Colt | weapon_colt |
BAR | weapon_bar |
Thompson | weapon_thompson |
M1 Carbine | weapon_m1carbine |
MP40 | weapon_mp40 |
STG 44 | weapon_mp44 |
Bazooka | weapon_bazooka |
Panzerschreck | weapon_pschreck |
M1 Garand | weapon_garand |
K98 | weapon_k98 |
K98 Scoped | weapon_k98_scoped |
Springfield | weapon_spring |
MG42 | weapon_mg42 |
30 Cal | weapon_30cal |
Frag Grenade GER | weapon_frag_ger |
Frag Grenade US | weapon_frag_us |
Smoke grenade GER | weapon_smoke_ger |
Smoke grenade US | weapon_smoke_us |
Riflegren US | weapon_riflegren_us |
Riflegren GER | weapon_riflegren_ger |
Some weapons may be missing or invalid
Name | Class-Name |
Crowbar | weapon_crowbar |
Pistol | weapon_pistol |
SMG1 | weapon_smg1 |
.357 Magnum | weapon_357 |
Gravity gun | weapon_physcannon |
Shotgun | weapon_shotgun |
AR2 | weapon_ar2 |
RPG | weapon_rpg |
Frag grenade | weapon_frag |
Crossbow | weapon_crossbow |
Bugbait | weapon_bugbait |
Some weapons may be missing or invalid
Name | Class-Name | Item definition index |
Bat | tf_weapon_bat | 0 |
Bottle | tf_weapon_bottle | 1 |
Fire Axe | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 2 |
Kukri | tf_weapon_club | 3 |
Knife | tf_weapon_knife | 4 |
Fists | tf_weapon_fists | 5 |
Shovel | tf_weapon_shovel | 6 |
Wrench | tf_weapon_wrench | 7 |
Bonesaw | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 8 |
Shotgun | tf_weapon_shotgun | 9 |
Shotgun | tf_weapon_shotgun | 10 |
Shotgun | tf_weapon_shotgun | 11 |
Shotgun | tf_weapon_shotgun | 12 |
Scattergun | tf_weapon_scattergun | 13 |
Sniper Rifle | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 14 |
Minigun | tf_weapon_minigun | 15 |
SMG | tf_weapon_smg | 16 |
Syringe Gun | tf_weapon_syringegun_medic | 17 |
Rocket Launcher | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 18 |
Grenade Launcher | tf_weapon_grenadelauncher | 19 |
Stickybomb Launcher | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 20 |
Flame Thrower | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 21 |
Pistol | tf_weapon_pistol | 22 |
Pistol | tf_weapon_pistol | 23 |
Revolver | tf_weapon_revolver | 24 |
Construction PDA | tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build | 25 |
Destruction PDA | tf_weapon_pda_engineer_destroy | 26 |
Disguise Kit | tf_weapon_pda_spy | 27 |
PDA | tf_weapon_builder | 28 |
Medi Gun | tf_weapon_medigun | 29 |
Invis Watch | tf_weapon_invis | 30 |
Kritzkrieg | tf_weapon_medigun | 35 |
Blutsauger | tf_weapon_syringegun_medic | 36 |
Ubersaw | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 37 |
Axtinguisher | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 38 |
Flare Gun | tf_weapon_flaregun | 39 |
Backburner | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 40 |
Natascha | tf_weapon_minigun | 41 |
Sandvich | tf_weapon_lunchbox | 42 |
Killing Gloves of Boxing | tf_weapon_fists | 43 |
Sandman | tf_weapon_bat_wood | 44 |
Force-A-Nature | tf_weapon_scattergun | 45 |
Bonk! Atomic Punch | tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink | 46 |
Huntsman | tf_weapon_compound_bow | 56 |
Jarate | tf_weapon_jar | 58 |
Dead Ringer | tf_weapon_invis | 59 |
Cloak and Dagger | tf_weapon_invis | 60 |
Ambassador | tf_weapon_revolver | 61 |
Direct Hit | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_directhit | 127 |
Equalizer | tf_weapon_shovel | 128 |
Buff Banner | tf_weapon_buff_item | 129 |
Scottish Resistance | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 130 |
Eyelander | tf_weapon_sword | 132 |
Wrangler | tf_weapon_laser_pointer | 140 |
Frontier Justice | tf_weapon_sentry_revenge | 141 |
Gunslinger | tf_weapon_robot_arm | 142 |
Homewrecker | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 153 |
Pain Train | tf_weapon_shovel | 154 |
Southern Hospitality | tf_weapon_wrench | 155 |
Dalokohs Bar | tf_weapon_lunchbox | 159 |
Lugermorph | tf_weapon_pistol | 160 |
Big Kill | tf_weapon_revolver | 161 |
Crit-a-Cola | tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink | 163 |
Golden Wrench | tf_weapon_wrench | 169 |
Tribalman's Shiv | tf_weapon_club | 171 |
Scotsman's Skullcutter | tf_weapon_sword | 172 |
Vita-Saw | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 173 |
Bat | tf_weapon_bat | 190 |
Bottle | tf_weapon_bottle | 191 |
Fire Axe | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 192 |
Kukri | tf_weapon_club | 193 |
Knife | tf_weapon_knife | 194 |
Fists | tf_weapon_fists | 195 |
Shovel | tf_weapon_shovel | 196 |
Wrench | tf_weapon_wrench | 197 |
Bonesaw | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 198 |
Shotgun | tf_weapon_shotgun | 199 |
Scattergun | tf_weapon_scattergun | 200 |
Sniper Rifle | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 201 |
Minigun | tf_weapon_minigun | 202 |
SMG | tf_weapon_smg | 203 |
Syringe Gun | tf_weapon_syringegun_medic | 204 |
Rocket Launcher | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 205 |
Grenade Launcher | tf_weapon_grenadelauncher | 206 |
Stickybomb Launcher | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 207 |
Flame Thrower | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 208 |
Pistol | tf_weapon_pistol | 209 |
Revolver | tf_weapon_revolver | 210 |
Medi Gun | tf_weapon_medigun | 211 |
Invis Watch | tf_weapon_invis | 212 |
Powerjack | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 214 |
Degreaser | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 215 |
Shortstop | tf_weapon_handgun_scout_primary | 220 |
Holy Mackerel | tf_weapon_bat_fish | 221 |
Mad Milk | tf_weapon_jar_milk | 222 |
L'Etranger | tf_weapon_revolver | 224 |
Your Eternal Reward | tf_weapon_knife | 225 |
Battalion's Backup | tf_weapon_buff_item | 226 |
Black Box | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 228 |
Sydney Sleeper | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 230 |
Bushwacka | tf_weapon_club | 232 |
Rocket Jumper | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 237 |
Gloves of Running Urgently | tf_weapon_fists | 239 |
Sticky Jumper | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 265 |
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker | tf_weapon_sword | 266 |
Lugermorph | tf_weapon_pistol | 294 |
Enthusiast's Timepiece | tf_weapon_invis | 297 |
Iron Curtain | tf_weapon_minigun | 298 |
Amputator | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 304 |
Crusader's Crossbow | tf_weapon_crossbow | 305 |
Ullapool Caber | tf_weapon_stickbomb | 307 |
Loch-n-Load | tf_weapon_grenadelauncher | 308 |
Warrior's Spirit | tf_weapon_fists | 310 |
Buffalo Steak Sandvich | tf_weapon_lunchbox | 311 |
Brass Beast | tf_weapon_minigun | 312 |
Candy Cane | tf_weapon_bat | 317 |
Boston Basher | tf_weapon_bat | 325 |
Back Scratcher | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 326 |
Claidheamh Mòr | tf_weapon_sword | 327 |
Jag | tf_weapon_wrench | 329 |
Fists of Steel | tf_weapon_fists | 331 |
Sharpened Volcano Fragment | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 348 |
Sun-on-a-Stick | tf_weapon_bat | 349 |
Detonator | tf_weapon_flaregun | 351 |
Concheror | tf_weapon_buff_item | 354 |
Fan O'War | tf_weapon_bat | 355 |
Conniver's Kunai | tf_weapon_knife | 356 |
Half-Zatoichi | tf_weapon_katana | 357 |
Shahanshah | tf_weapon_club | 401 |
Bazaar Bargain | tf_weapon_sniperrifle_decap | 402 |
Persian Persuader | tf_weapon_sword | 404 |
Quick-Fix | tf_weapon_medigun | 411 |
Overdose | tf_weapon_syringegun_medic | 412 |
Solemn Vow | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 413 |
Liberty Launcher | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 414 |
Reserve Shooter | tf_weapon_shotgun | 415 |
Market Gardener | tf_weapon_shovel | 416 |
Tomislav | tf_weapon_minigun | 424 |
Family Business | tf_weapon_shotgun | 425 |
Eviction Notice | tf_weapon_fists | 426 |
Fishcake | tf_weapon_lunchbox | 433 |
Cow Mangler 5000 | tf_weapon_particle_cannon | 441 |
Righteous Bison | tf_weapon_raygun | 442 |
Disciplinary Action | tf_weapon_shovel | 447 |
Soda Popper | tf_weapon_soda_popper | 448 |
Winger | tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary | 449 |
Atomizer | tf_weapon_bat | 450 |
Three-Rune Blade | tf_weapon_bat | 452 |
Postal Pummeler | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 457 |
Enforcer | tf_weapon_revolver | 460 |
Big Earner | tf_weapon_knife | 461 |
Maul | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 466 |
Nessie's Nine Iron | tf_weapon_sword | 482 |
Original | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 513 |
Diamondback | tf_weapon_revolver | 525 |
Machina | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 526 |
Widowmaker | tf_weapon_shotgun_primary | 527 |
Short Circuit | tf_weapon_mechanical_arm | 528 |
Unarmed Combat | tf_weapon_bat_fish | 572 |
Wanga Prick | tf_weapon_knife | 574 |
Apoco-Fists | tf_weapon_fists | 587 |
Pomson 6000 | tf_weapon_drg_pomson | 588 |
Eureka Effect | tf_weapon_wrench | 589 |
Third Degree | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 593 |
Phlogistinator | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 594 |
Manmelter | tf_weapon_flaregun_revenge | 595 |
Scottish Handshake | tf_weapon_bottle | 609 |
Sharp Dresser | tf_weapon_knife | 638 |
Wrap Assassin | tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap | 648 |
Spy-cicle | tf_weapon_knife | 649 |
Festive Minigun | tf_weapon_minigun | 654 |
Holiday Punch | tf_weapon_fists | 656 |
Festive Rocket Launcher | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 658 |
Festive Flame Thrower | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 659 |
Festive Bat | tf_weapon_bat | 660 |
Festive Stickybomb Launcher | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 661 |
Festive Wrench | tf_weapon_wrench | 662 |
Festive Medi Gun | tf_weapon_medigun | 663 |
Festive Sniper Rifle | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 664 |
Festive Knife | tf_weapon_knife | 665 |
Festive Scattergun | tf_weapon_scattergun | 669 |
Black Rose | tf_weapon_knife | 727 |
Beggar's Bazooka | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 730 |
Sapper | tf_weapon_builder | 735 |
Sapper | tf_weapon_builder | 736 |
Construction PDA | tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build | 737 |
Lollichop | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 739 |
Scorch Shot | tf_weapon_flaregun | 740 |
Rainblower | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 741 |
Cleaner's Carbine | tf_weapon_smg | 751 |
Hitman's Heatmaker | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 752 |
Baby Face's Blaster | tf_weapon_pep_brawler_blaster | 772 |
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol | tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary | 773 |
Escape Plan | tf_weapon_shovel | 775 |
Silver Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 792 |
Silver Botkiller Minigun Mk.I | tf_weapon_minigun | 793 |
Silver Botkiller Knife Mk.I | tf_weapon_knife | 794 |
Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.I | tf_weapon_wrench | 795 |
Silver Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I | tf_weapon_medigun | 796 |
Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 797 |
Silver Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 798 |
Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I | tf_weapon_scattergun | 799 |
Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 800 |
Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 801 |
Gold Botkiller Minigun Mk.I | tf_weapon_minigun | 802 |
Gold Botkiller Knife Mk.I | tf_weapon_knife | 803 |
Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.I | tf_weapon_wrench | 804 |
Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I | tf_weapon_medigun | 805 |
Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 806 |
Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 807 |
Gold Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I | tf_weapon_scattergun | 808 |
Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 809 |
Red-Tape Recorder | tf_weapon_sapper | 810 |
Huo-Long Heater | tf_weapon_minigun | 811 |
Flying Guillotine | tf_weapon_cleaver | 812 |
Neon Annihilator | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 813 |
Red-Tape Recorder | tf_weapon_sapper | 831 |
Huo-Long Heater | tf_weapon_minigun | 832 |
Flying Guillotine | tf_weapon_cleaver | 833 |
Neon Annihilator | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 834 |
Deflector | tf_weapon_minigun | 850 |
AWPer Hand | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 851 |
Robo-Sandvich | tf_weapon_lunchbox | 863 |
Rust Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 881 |
Rust Botkiller Minigun Mk.I | tf_weapon_minigun | 882 |
Rust Botkiller Knife Mk.I | tf_weapon_knife | 883 |
Rust Botkiller Wrench Mk.I | tf_weapon_wrench | 884 |
Rust Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I | tf_weapon_medigun | 885 |
Rust Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 886 |
Rust Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 887 |
Rust Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I | tf_weapon_scattergun | 888 |
Rust Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 889 |
Blood Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 890 |
Blood Botkiller Minigun Mk.I | tf_weapon_minigun | 891 |
Blood Botkiller Knife Mk.I | tf_weapon_knife | 892 |
Blood Botkiller Wrench Mk.I | tf_weapon_wrench | 893 |
Blood Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I | tf_weapon_medigun | 894 |
Blood Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 895 |
Blood Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 896 |
Blood Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I | tf_weapon_scattergun | 897 |
Blood Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 898 |
Carbonado Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 899 |
Carbonado Botkiller Minigun Mk.I | tf_weapon_minigun | 900 |
Carbonado Botkiller Knife Mk.I | tf_weapon_knife | 901 |
Carbonado Botkiller Wrench Mk.I | tf_weapon_wrench | 902 |
Carbonado Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I | tf_weapon_medigun | 903 |
Carbonado Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 904 |
Carbonado Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 905 |
Carbonado Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I | tf_weapon_scattergun | 906 |
Carbonado Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 907 |
Diamond Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 908 |
Diamond Botkiller Minigun Mk.I | tf_weapon_minigun | 909 |
Diamond Botkiller Knife Mk.I | tf_weapon_knife | 910 |
Diamond Botkiller Wrench Mk.I | tf_weapon_wrench | 911 |
Diamond Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I | tf_weapon_medigun | 912 |
Diamond Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 913 |
Diamond Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 914 |
Diamond Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I | tf_weapon_scattergun | 915 |
Diamond Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 916 |
Ap-Sap | tf_weapon_sapper | 933 |
Quäckenbirdt | tf_weapon_invis | 947 |
Silver Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 957 |
Silver Botkiller Minigun Mk.II | tf_weapon_minigun | 958 |
Silver Botkiller Knife Mk.II | tf_weapon_knife | 959 |
Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.II | tf_weapon_wrench | 960 |
Silver Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II | tf_weapon_medigun | 961 |
Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.II | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 962 |
Silver Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.II | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 963 |
Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.II | tf_weapon_scattergun | 964 |
Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.II | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 965 |
Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II | tf_weapon_sniperrifle | 966 |
Gold Botkiller Minigun Mk.II | tf_weapon_minigun | 967 |
Gold Botkiller Knife Mk.II | tf_weapon_knife | 968 |
Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.II | tf_weapon_wrench | 969 |
Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II | tf_weapon_medigun | 970 |
Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.II | tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher | 971 |
Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.II | tf_weapon_flamethrower | 972 |
Gold Botkiller Scattergun Mk.II | tf_weapon_scattergun | 973 |
Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.II | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 974 |
Loose Cannon | tf_weapon_cannon | 996 |
Rescue Ranger | tf_weapon_shotgun_building_rescue | 997 |
Vaccinator | tf_weapon_medigun | 998 |
Festive Holy Mackerel | tf_weapon_bat_fish | 999 |
Festive Axtinguisher | tf_weapon_fireaxe | 1000 |
Festive Buff Banner | tf_weapon_buff_item | 1001 |
Festive Sandvich | tf_weapon_lunchbox | 1002 |
Festive Ubersaw | tf_weapon_bonesaw | 1003 |
Festive Frontier Justice | tf_weapon_sentry_revenge | 1004 |
Festive Huntsman | tf_weapon_compound_bow | 1005 |
Festive Ambassador | tf_weapon_revolver | 1006 |
Festive Grenade Launcher | tf_weapon_grenadelauncher | 1007 |
Fancy Spellbook | tf_weapon_spellbook | 1069 |
Spellbook Magazine | tf_weapon_spellbook | 1070 |
Festive Force-A-Nature | tf_weapon_scattergun | 1078 |
Festive Crusader's Crossbow | tf_weapon_crossbow | 1079 |
Festive Sapper | tf_weapon_sapper | 1080 |
Festive Flare Gun | tf_weapon_flaregun | 1081 |
Festive Eyelander | tf_weapon_sword | 1082 |
Festive Jarate | tf_weapon_jar | 1083 |
Festive Gloves of Running Urgently | tf_weapon_fists | 1084 |
Festive Black Box | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher | 1085 |
Festive Wrangler | tf_weapon_laser_pointer | 1086 |
Fortified Compound | tf_weapon_compound_bow | 1092 |
Classic | tf_weapon_sniperrifle_classic | 1098 |
Bread Bite | tf_weapon_fists | 1100 |
B.A.S.E. Jumper | tf_weapon_parachute | 1101 |
Snack Attack | tf_weapon_sapper | 1102 |
Back Scatter | tf_weapon_scattergun | 1103 |
Air Strike | tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_airstrike | 1104 |
Self-Aware Beauty Mark | tf_weapon_jar | 1105 |
Mutated Milk | tf_weapon_jar_milk | 1121 |
Fireproof Secret Diary | tf_weapon_spellbook | 5605 |