The FALE badge that you can stick Shitty Add-Ons (SAOs) to in Vegas2018.
There are two modes that the badge can be in:
- Color mode: Display a solid color with no change.
- Pattern mode: Displays a repeating pattern.
There are two buttons on the left side:
- SW1: Resets the CPU. There might be up to an 8 second wait.
- SW2: Changes different things based on the type of click:
- Single Click: Cycles thru the different options within the current mode.
- Double Click: Switches between modes.
- Long Press: Shuts board down. Click SW1 to start badge back up.
The badges uses the SerialUI library ( for a menu system on the serial port.
The following is the current menu system:
+ colors Change to solids colors
* blue Turn LEDs blue.
* green Turn LEDs green.
* pink Turn LEDs pink.
* red Turn LEDs red.
* yellow Turn LEDs yellow.
+ patterns Change LED patterns
* chase Chase the LEDs...
* confetti Party!!
* popo Popo coming...
* rainbow Taste the rainbow
* strobe Caution, may cause seizures!!
* surge Surging blue...
* knight Knight Rider
* fire Fire.. Fire!!!
* groovy Groovy man
* smoothchase A smoother chase
+ i2c SAO Communications
* scan Scan for SAOs
+ power Power Savings
* brightness Toggle LED Brightness Level
* sleep Put badge into sleep mode
* print Print Power Configuration
+ debug Debug
* eeprom Print EEPROM settings
* version Print firmware version
The following are commands that are available on all menus:
.. Move up to parent menu
? List available menu items
- python2-serial is required for make upload
- screen is required for make monitor
- Add account to dialup group or run make commands as root :(
Download the latest Arduino archive from
Uncompress archive: xz --decompress arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar.xz
As root untar in /usr/local and create symlink:
# cd /usr/local
# tar xvf ~/Downloads/arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar
# ln -s arduino-1.8.5/ arduino
NOTE: This archive should provide avrdude, avr-gcc, avr-g++, etc. The Arduino-Makefile should find these tools if the archive is installed in /usr/local/arduino.
As regular user, download badge code into home directory.
NOTE: The --recursive option is required in order to pull down all dependency projects.
git clone --recursive
NOTE: If you clone the repository in a directory other than $HOME/VegasBadge2018, you will need to update the PROJECT_DIR line in VegasBadge2018/src/Makefile.
Run the following commands in the src directory.
To build code:
To upload to badge:
make upload
To connect serial port (requires screen):
make monitor
To disconnect from the serial port in screen session:
^-a k Y