Based on an initial idea, it proposes an implementation with ignite v28.3.
cd protocol
ignite c serve
ignite s chain mychain --minimal --no-module --skip-git --path ./protocol
In the ./prorocol
construct the coin-actions module
ignite s module coin-actions --dep bank
create the burn-action message
ignite s message BurnCoinsAction coins:coins --module coin-actions
edit: x/coinactions/types/expected_keepers.go
, add in BankKeeper
// BankKeeper defines the expected interface for the Bank module.
type BankKeeper interface {
SpendableCoins(context.Context, sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Coins
// Methods imported from bank should be defined here
BurnCoins(ctx context.Context, burn string, amt sdk.Coins) error
SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr sdk.AccAddress, recipientModule string, amt sdk.Coins) error
then edit: x/coinactions/keeper/msg_server_burn_coins_action.go
with the burn logic
In the ./prorocol
ignite c serve
then in an other terminal. Run the helper
export alice=`mychaind keys show -a alice`
it defines some env data from ignite keys.
Then show the alice balances
mychaind q bank balances $alice
Execute a burn
mychaind tx coinactions burn-coins-action 2000stake --from $alice --chain-id="mychain"
Check the updates
mychaind q bank balances $alice
Wouhou !!!