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Esteban Ferrer edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the horses3d wiki!

Our high order CFD software: horses3d is now open source!

You can find our paper with the more recent features here:
and the code here:

The High-Order Spectral Element Solver (HORSES3D), is an open source high-order discontinuous Galerkin framework, capable of solving a variety of flow applications, including compressible flows (with or without shocks), incompressible flows, various RANS and LES turbulence models, particle dynamics, multiphase flows, and aeroacoustics.

The high-order spatial discretisation includes energy/entropy stable schemes and anisotropic p-adaptation capabilities. The solver is parallelised using MPI and OpenMP showing good scalability for up to 1000 processors. Temporal discretisations include explicit, implicit, multigrid, and dual time-stepping schemes with efficient preconditioners. Additionally, we facilitate meshing and simulating complex geometries through a mesh-free immersed boundary technique.

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