NOTICE: This repo contains code for my business site. I created a repo at that is a generic version of this one, and it doesn't contain copyrighted content or images. You are welcome to use this repo as a reference, but you'll likely run into features that are specific to this site. Thank you.
PWA built with lit-element created web components.
WordPress WP-REST API is used for our backend, but it can easily be modified to use virtually any backend CMS.
npm i && npm run start
yarn install && yarn run start
Please refer to Polymer Documentation at for information on lit-element, lit-html, and PWA Starter Kit for reference.
- PWA goodness (manifest, service worker)
- Lit-element @sorville, and lit-html by @justin and contributors
- Open WC project by
- Responsive layout
- Application theming
- Redux for state management
- Offline UI
- Redux routing solution
- Blog list and article views based on WordPress REST API
- Fast time-to-interactive and first-paint through the PRPL pattern
- Easy deployment to prpl-server or static hosting
- Unit and integrating testing starting points
- Search and Chrome microphone search
- Add favorites custom feature
- Clean up element and shared CSS
- Add authentication via Firebase
- Add push notification via Firebase
- Add services order form
- Add additional wp-rest api endpoints (pages, customs)