Note: For OSX users, this line needs to be changed to libusb-1.0
TODO: determine OS at runtime or handle fallback
The CLI tool supports DFU flashing for nuttx.bin
and nuttx_user.bin
. When the application is run with -d
, it looks for nuttx.bin
and nuttx_user.bin
in the application directory and if not found, it will abort. Optionally, paths for the files can be specific with --osFile
and --userFile
The CLI tool also supports device and file management including file transfers, flash partitioning, and MCU reset.
To run MeadowCLI on Windows, run MeadowCLI.exe from the command prompt. On Mac and Windows, call mono MeadowCLI.exe.
To see the options, run the application with the --help arg.
File and device commands require you to specify the serial port. You can determine the serial port name in Windows by viewing the Device Manager.
On Mac and Linux, the serial port will show up in the /dev folder, generally with the prefix tty.usb. You can likely find the serial port name by running the command ls /dev/tty.usb
You can set the debug trace level to values 0, 1, 2, or 3. 2 is the most useful.
MeadowCLI.exe --SetTraceLevel --Level 2 --SerialPort [NameOfSerialPort]
MeadowCLI.exe --WriteFile -f [NameOfFile] --SerialPort [NameOfSerialPort]
MeadowCLI.exe --ListFiles --SerialPort [NameOfSerialPort]
MeadowCLI.exe -s [NameOfSerialPort] --DeleteFile --TargetFileName [nameOfFile]
MeadowCLI.exe --RenewFileSys
- Restarts Meadow and recreates file system
MeadowCLI.exe --EraseFlash
- Must wait 2 - 3 minutes to complete
MeadowCLI.exe --MonoDisable
MeadowCLI.exe --MonoEnable
MeadowCLI.exe --GetDeviceInfo
- Outputs Meadow OS version and other information
You'll typically need at least 5 files installed to the Meadow flash to run a Meadow app:
- System.dll
- System.Core.dll
- mscorlib.dll
- Meadow.Core.dll
- App.exe (your app)
It's a good idea to disable mono first, copy the files, and then enable mono
This code is ugly. We know. :) Lots of different coding styles, spanning many decades and sensibilities.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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