sudo apt install picom rofi acpi acpid upower jq inotify-tools xdotool xclip gpick ffmpeg blueman redshift pipewire alsa-utils brightnessctl feh maim mpv mpd mpc mpdris2 python3-mutagen ncmpcpp playerctl fonts-roboto fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont liblua5.4-dev
Assuming your AUR Helper is paru.
First of all you should install the git version of AwesomeWM.
paru -S awesome-git
Install necessary dependencies
paru -Sy picom-git wezterm rofi acpi acpid acpi_call upower lxappearance-gtk3 \
jq inotify-tools polkit-gnome xdotool xclip gpick ffmpeg blueman redshift \
pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse alsa-utils brightnessctl feh maim \
mpv mpd mpc mpdris2 python-mutagen ncmpcpp playerctl --needed
Install Needed Fonts
And run this command for your system to detect the newly installed fonts.
fc-cache -fv
Enable Services
systemctl --user enable mpd.service
systemctl --user start mpd.service
Git Clone the Repo with Submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd awesome-htb
git submodule update --remote --merge
Install the vicious module. Navigate to the root of your awesome config and run the following:
git clone
Rename user_variables.lua.bak to user_variables.lua
mv user_variables.lua.bak user_variables.lua
Edit user_variables.lua with Github username, API Key (From, and Lat/Lon of your location
Move awesome-htb into ~/.config/awesome
mv ~/.config/awesome ~/.config/awesome.bak
mv awesome-htb ~/.config/awesome
Log out from your current desktop session and log in into AwesomeWM