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first attempt with hocap rand
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hei411 committed Sep 23, 2024
1 parent fe3ce88 commit 14b179e
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Showing 4 changed files with 142 additions and 8 deletions.
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions theories/coneris/lib/hocap.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(** * Hocap specs *)
From stdpp Require Import namespaces.
From iris Require Import excl_auth invariants list.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris flip.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,14 +94,16 @@ Section error_lemmas.

Lemma hocap_error_decrease γ (b' b:nonnegreal) :
(●↯ (b+b') @ γ) -∗ (◯↯ b @ γ) ==∗ (●↯ b' @ γ).
(●↯ (b) @ γ) -∗ (◯↯ b' @ γ) ==∗ (●↯ (b-b') @ γ).
iIntros "H1 H2".
iDestruct (hocap_error_ineq with "[$][$]") as "%".
iDestruct "H1" as "[% [% H1]]".
iDestruct "H2" as "[% [% H2]]".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H1 H2") as "Hown".
{ eapply (auth_update_dealloc _ _ b'), nonnegreal_local_update.
{ unshelve eapply (auth_update_dealloc _ _ ((b-b') _)%NNR), nonnegreal_local_update.
- lra.
- apply cond_nonneg.
- apply nnreal_ext =>/=. lra. }
iFrame. by iPureIntro.
Expand All @@ -123,11 +125,17 @@ Section error_lemmas.
- done.

Lemma hocap_error_irrel γ (b c:R) :
Lemma hocap_error_auth_irrel γ (b c:R) :
(b=c)%R -> (●↯ b @ γ) -∗ (●↯ c @ γ).
iIntros (->) "$".

Lemma hocap_error_frag_irrel γ (b c:R) :
(b=c)%R -> (◯↯ b @ γ) -∗ (◯↯ c @ γ).
iIntros (->) "$".

End error_lemmas.

Expand Down
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/lib/hocap_rand.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
(** * Hocap rand specs *)
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris hocap.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Class rand_spec `{!conerisGS Σ} := RandSpec
(** * Operations *)
rand_allocate_tape : val;
rand_tape : val;
(** * Ghost state *)
(** The assumptions about [Σ] *)
randG : gFunctors → Type;

rand_error_name : Type;
rand_tape_name: Type;
(** * Predicates *)
is_rand {L : randG Σ} (N:namespace)
(γ1: rand_error_name) (γ2: rand_tape_name): iProp Σ;
rand_error_auth {L : randG Σ} (γ: rand_error_name) (x:R): iProp Σ;
rand_error_frag {L : randG Σ} (γ: rand_error_name) (x:R): iProp Σ;
rand_tapes_auth {L : randG Σ} (γ: rand_tape_name) (m:gmap loc (nat * list nat)): iProp Σ;
rand_tapes_frag {L : randG Σ} (γ: rand_tape_name) (α:loc) (ns: (nat * list nat)): iProp Σ;
(** * General properties of the predicates *)
#[global] is_rand_persistent {L : randG Σ} N γ1 γ2 ::
Persistent (is_rand (L:=L) N γ1 γ2);
#[global] rand_error_auth_timeless {L : randG Σ} γ x ::
Timeless (rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x);
#[global] rand_error_frag_timeless {L : randG Σ} γ x ::
Timeless (rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x);
#[global] rand_tapes_auth_timeless {L : randG Σ} γ m ::
Timeless (rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m);
#[global] rand_tapes_frag_timeless {L : randG Σ} γ α ns ::
Timeless (rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ α ns);
#[global] rand_error_name_inhabited::
Inhabited rand_error_name;
#[global] rand_tape_name_inhabited::
Inhabited rand_tape_name;

rand_error_auth_exclusive {L : randG Σ} γ x1 x2:
rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x1 -∗ rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x2 -∗ False;
rand_error_frag_split {L : randG Σ} γ (x1 x2:nonnegreal):
rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x1 ∗ rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x2 ⊣⊢
rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ (x1+x2)%R ;
rand_error_auth_valid {L : randG Σ} γ x:
rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x -∗ ⌜(0<=x<1)%R⌝;
rand_error_frag_valid {L : randG Σ} γ x:
rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x -∗ ⌜(0<=x<1)%R⌝;
rand_error_ineq {L : randG Σ} γ x1 x2:
rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x1 -∗ rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x2 -∗ ⌜(x2 <= x1)%R ⌝;
rand_error_decrease {L : randG Σ} γ (x1 x2:nonnegreal):
rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x1 -∗ rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x2 ==∗ rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ (x2-x1)%R;
rand_error_increase {L : randG Σ} γ (x1 x2:nonnegreal):
(x1+x2<1)%R -> ⊢ rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ x1 ==∗
rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ (x1+x2) ∗ rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ x2;

rand_tapes_auth_exclusive {L : randG Σ} γ m m':
rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m -∗ rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m' -∗ False;
rand_tapes_frag_exclusive {L : randG Σ} γ α ns ns':
rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ α ns -∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ α ns' -∗ False;
rand_tapes_agree {L : randG Σ} γ α m ns:
rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m -∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ α ns -∗ ⌜ m!! α = Some (ns) ⌝;
rand_tapes_valid {L : randG Σ} γ1 γ2 α N E tb ns:
⌜↑N⊆E⌝ ∗ is_rand (L:=L) N γ1 γ2 ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns) ={E}=∗
⌜Forall (λ n, n<=tb)%nat ns⌝;
rand_tapes_update {L : randG Σ} γ α m ns ns':
rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m -∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ α ns ==∗
rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ (<[α := ns']> m) ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ α ns';

(** * Program specs *)
rand_inv_create_spec {L : randG Σ} N E ε:
↯ ε -∗
wp_update E (∃ γ1 γ2, is_rand (L:=L) N γ1 γ2 ∗
rand_error_frag (L:=L) γ1 ε);

rand_allocate_tape_spec {L: randG Σ} N E (tb:nat) γ1 γ2:
↑N ⊆ E->
{{{ is_rand (L:=L) N γ1 γ2 }}}
rand_allocate_tape #tb @ E
{{{ (v:val), RET v;
∃ (α:loc), ⌜v=#lbl:α⌝ ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, [])
rand_tape_spec_some {L: randG Σ} N E γ1 γ2 (P: iProp Σ) (Q:iProp Σ) (α:loc) (n:nat) (tb:nat) ns:
↑N⊆E ->
{{{ is_rand (L:=L) N γ1 γ2 ∗
□ (∀ (m:gmap loc (nat * list nat)), P ∗
rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ2 m
={E∖↑N}=∗ ⌜m!!α=Some (tb, n::ns)⌝ ∗ Q ∗ rand_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ2 (<[α:=(tb, ns)]> m)) ∗
rand_tape #lbl:α #tb @ E
{{{ RET #n; Q }}};
rand_presample_spec {L: randG Σ} N E ns α (tb:nat)
(ε2 : list (fin (S tb)) -> R)
(P : iProp Σ) num T γ1 γ2 ε :
↑N ⊆ E ->
(∀ l, length l = num -> 0<= ε2 l)%R ->
(SeriesC (λ l, if bool_decide (l ∈ enum_uniform_fin_list tb num) then ε2 l else 0) /((S tb)^num) <= ε)%R->
is_rand (L:=L) N γ1 γ2 -∗
(□∀ (ε':R) ns', (P ∗ rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ1 (ε')%R ∗ ⌜length ns' = num⌝) ={E∖↑N}=∗
∃ diff: R, ⌜(0<=diff)%R⌝ ∗ ⌜(ε' = ε+diff)%R⌝ ∗
(⌜(1<=ε2 ns' + diff)%R⌝ ∨ (rand_error_auth (L:=L) γ1 (ε2 ns' + diff)%R ∗ T ns')))
P -∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns)-∗
wp_update E (∃ n, T n ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns++(fin_to_nat <$> n)))
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/primitive_laws.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,17 @@ Section tape_interface.
by rewrite fmap_app.

Lemma tapeN_ineq α N ns:
α↪N (N; ns) -∗ ⌜Forall (λ n, n<=N)%nat ns⌝.
iIntros "(% & <- & H)".
eapply Forall_impl.
- apply fin.fin_forall_leq.
- simpl. intros.

Lemma spec_tapeN_to_empty l M :
(l ↪ₛN ( M ; [] ) -∗ l ↪ₛ ( M ; [] )).
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions theories/prob/countable_sum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ From Coq Require Import Reals Psatz.
From Coquelicot Require Import Series Hierarchy Lim_seq Rbar Lub.
From stdpp Require Import option.
From stdpp Require Export countable finite gmap.
From clutch.prelude Require Import base Reals_ext Coquelicot_ext Series_ext stdpp_ext classical fin.
From clutch.prelude Require Import base Reals_ext Coquelicot_ext Series_ext stdpp_ext classical fin uniform_list.
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Import Hierarchy.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,12 +710,20 @@ Section filter.

End filter.

Lemma ex_seriesC_list_length `{Countable A} (f:list A -> R) num:
(forall x, (0<f x)%R -> length x = num) ->
Lemma ex_seriesC_list_length `{Finite A} (f:list A -> R) num:
(forall x, (0f x)%R -> length x = num) ->
ex_seriesC f.
eapply (ex_seriesC_ext (λ x, if bool_decide(x∈enum_uniform_list num) then f x else 0))%R.
- intros n.
case_bool_decide as K; first done.
destruct (Req_dec (f n) 0); first done.
apply K. apply elem_of_enum_uniform_list.
- apply ex_seriesC_list.

Lemma SeriesC_Series_nat (f : nat → R) :
SeriesC f = Series f.
Expand Down

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