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Complete alternate def of impl3
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hei411 committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent e9bc9c8 commit 2614828
Showing 1 changed file with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/examples/random_counter2/impl3.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
From iris.algebra Require Import frac_auth.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris hocap_rand random_counter2.random_counter.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Section filter.
Definition filter_f (n:nat):= (n<4)%nat.
Definition filtered_list (l:list _) := filter filter_f l.

Lemma Forall_filter_f ns:
Forall (λ x : nat, x ≤ 3) ns -> filter filter_f ns = ns.
induction ns; first done.
intros H.
rewrite Forall_cons in H. destruct H.
rewrite filter_cons_True; first f_equal; first naive_solver.
rewrite /filter_f. lia.
End filter.

Section impl3.
Context `{H:conerisGS Σ, r1:@rand_spec Σ H, L:randG Σ, !inG Σ (frac_authR natR)}.

Definition new_counter3 : val:= λ: "_", ref #0.
Definition incr_counter3 :val := λ: "l",
let: "α" := (rand_allocate_tape #4%nat) in
(rec: "f" "α " :=
let: "n" := rand_tape "α" #4%nat in
if: "n" < #4
then (FAA "l" "n", "n")
else "f" "α") "α".
Definition read_counter3 : val := λ: "l", !"l".
Class counterG3 Σ := CounterG3 { counterG3_randG:randG Σ;
counterG3_frac_authR:: inG Σ (frac_authR natR) }.

Definition counter_inv_pred3 (c:val) γ2:= (∃ (l:loc) (z:nat), ⌜c=#l⌝ ∗ l ↦ #z ∗ own γ2 (●F z) )%I.

Definition is_counter3 N (c:val) γ1:=
(inv N (counter_inv_pred3 c γ1))%I.

Lemma new_counter_spec3 E N:
{{{ True }}}
new_counter3 #() @ E
{{{ (c:val), RET c;
∃ γ1, is_counter3 N c γ1 ∗ own γ1 (◯F 0%nat)
rewrite /new_counter3.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
(* iMod (rand_inv_create_spec) as "(%γ1 & #Hinv)". *)
wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iMod (own_alloc (●F 0%nat ⋅ ◯F 0%nat)) as "[%γ1[H5 H6]]".
{ by apply frac_auth_valid. }
replace (#0) with (#0%nat) by done.
iMod (inv_alloc _ _ (counter_inv_pred3 (#l) γ1) with "[$Hl $H5]") as "#Hinv'"; first done.
iApply "HΦ".
by iModIntro.

(* Lemma allocate_tape_spec3 N E c γ1: *)
(* ↑N ⊆ E-> *)
(* {{{ is_counter3 N c γ1 }}} *)
(* allocate_tape3 #() @ E *)
(* {{{ (v:val), RET v; (∃ ls, ⌜filter filter_f ls = []⌝ ∗ rand_tapes (L:=L) v (4, ls)) *)
(* }}}. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros (Hsubset Φ) "#Hinv HΦ". *)
(* rewrite /allocate_tape3. *)
(* wp_pures. *)
(* wp_apply rand_allocate_tape_spec; first done. *)
(* iIntros. *)
(* iApply "HΦ". *)
(* by iFrame. *)
(* Qed. *)

Lemma incr_counter_spec3 N E c γ1 (Q:nat->nat->iProp Σ) :
↑N⊆E ->
{{{ is_counter3 N c γ1 ∗
(∀ α, (∃ ls, ⌜filter filter_f ls = []⌝ ∗ rand_tapes (L:=L) α (4, ls)) -∗
state_update (E) (E)
(∃ n, (∃ ls, ⌜filter filter_f ls = [n]⌝ ∗ rand_tapes (L:=L) α (4, ls)) ∗
(∀ (z:nat), own γ1 (●F z) ={E∖↑N}=∗
own γ1 (●F (z+n)%nat) ∗ Q z n)))

incr_counter3 c @ E
{{{ (z n:nat), RET (#z, #n); Q z n }}}.
iIntros (Hsubset Φ) "(#Hinv & Hvs) HΦ".
rewrite /incr_counter3.
wp_apply rand_allocate_tape_spec as (α) "Htape"; first done.
do 3 wp_pure.
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$Htape]") as "(%n & Htape &Hvs)".
{ by rewrite filter_nil. }
iDestruct "Htape" as "(%ls & %Hfilter &Hfrag)".
iLöb as "IH" forall (ls Hfilter Φ) "Hfrag".
destruct ls as [|hd ls]; first simplify_eq.
wp_apply (rand_tape_spec_some with "[$]") as "Hfrag".
case_bool_decide as K.
- wp_pures.
wp_bind (FAA _ _).
iInv "Hinv" as ">(%&%&-> & ?&?)" "Hclose".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "[? HQ]".
rewrite -Nat2Z.inj_add.
rewrite filter_cons_True in Hfilter; last (rewrite /filter_f; lia).
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HQ Hfrag HΦ]") as "_"; first by iFrame.
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
- wp_pure.
iApply ("IH" with "[][$][$][$]").
rewrite filter_cons_False in Hfilter; first done.
rewrite /filter_f. lia.

Lemma counter_tapes_presample3 N E γ1 c α ε (ε2 : fin 4%nat -> R):
↑N ⊆ E ->
(∀ x, 0<=ε2 x)%R ->
(SeriesC (λ n, 1 / 4 * ε2 n)%R <= ε)%R ->
is_counter3 N c γ1 -∗
(∃ ls, ⌜filter filter_f ls = []⌝ ∗ rand_tapes (L:=L) α (4, ls)) -∗
↯ ε -∗
state_update E E (∃ n, ↯ (ε2 n) ∗
(∃ ls, ⌜filter filter_f ls = ([fin_to_nat n])⌝ ∗ rand_tapes (L:=L) α (4, ls))).
iIntros (Hsubset Hpos Hineq) "#Hinv Hfrag Herr".
iMod (state_update_epsilon_err) as "(%ep & %Heps & Heps)".
iRevert "Hfrag Herr".
iApply (ec_ind_amp _ (5/4)%R with "[][$]"); try lra.
clear ep Heps.
iIntros (eps Heps) "#IH Heps (%ls & %Hfilter & Hfrag) Herr".
iDestruct (ec_valid with "[$]") as "%".
iCombine "Heps Herr" as "Herr'".
iMod (rand_tapes_presample _ _ _ _ _
(λ x, match decide (fin_to_nat x < 4)%nat with
| left p => ε2 (nat_to_fin p)
| _ => ε + 5/4*eps
)%R with "[$][$]") as "(%n & Herr & Hfrag)".
{ intros. case_match; first done.
apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat; first naive_solver.
apply Rmult_le_pos; lra.
{ rewrite SeriesC_finite_foldr/=.
rewrite SeriesC_finite_foldr/= in Hineq.
case_match eqn :K.
- (* accept *)
rewrite filter_app Hfilter.
rewrite filter_cons /filter_f filter_nil K.
f_equal. by rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin.
- iDestruct (ec_split with "[$]") as "[Hε Heps]"; first lra.
{ apply Rmult_le_pos; lra. }
iApply ("IH" with "[$][Hfrag][$]").
rewrite filter_app.
rewrite filter_cons_False; first by rewrite filter_nil app_nil_r.
rewrite /filter_f. lia.

Lemma read_counter_spec3 N E c γ1 Q:
↑N ⊆ E ->
{{{ is_counter3 N c γ1 ∗
(∀ (z:nat), own γ1 (●F z) ={E∖↑N}=∗
own γ1 (●F z) ∗ Q z)

read_counter3 c @ E
{{{ (n':nat), RET #n'; Q n'
iIntros (Hsubset Φ) "(#Hinv & Hvs) HΦ".
rewrite /read_counter3.
iInv "Hinv" as ">( %l & %z & -> & H5 & H6)" "Hclose".
(* iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq (E ∖ ↑N)) as "Hclose'". *)
(* { apply difference_mono_l. *)
(* by apply nclose_subseteq'. } *)
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "[? HQ]".
(* iMod "Hclose'" as "_". *)
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-HQ HΦ]"); first by iFrame.
iApply ("HΦ" with "[$]").

End impl3.

Program Definition random_counter3 `{F:rand_spec}: random_counter :=
{| new_counter := new_counter3;
incr_counter := incr_counter3;
counterG := counterG3;
(* tape_name := rand_tape_name; *)
counter_name :=gname;
is_counter _ N c γ1 := is_counter3 N c γ1;
(* counter_tapes_auth _ γ m := (∃ (m':gmap loc (nat*list nat)), *)
(* ⌜(dom m = dom m')⌝ ∗ *)
(* ⌜∀ l xs' tb, m'!!l=Some (tb, xs') → tb = 4 ∧ m!!l=Some (filter filter_f xs')⌝ ∗ *)
(* rand_tapes_auth (L:=counterG3_randG) γ m')%I; *)
counter_tapes _ α n :=
(∃ ls, ⌜filter filter_f ls = (match n with |Some x => [x] | None => [] end)⌝ ∗ rand_tapes (L:=counterG3_randG) α (4, ls))%I;
counter_content_auth _ γ z := own γ (●F z);
counter_content_frag _ γ f z := own γ (◯F{f} z);
counter_tapes_presample _ := counter_tapes_presample3;
new_counter_spec _ := new_counter_spec3 (L:=counterG3_randG) ;
incr_counter_spec _ :=incr_counter_spec3 (L:=counterG3_randG);
read_counter_spec _ :=read_counter_spec3 (L:=counterG3_randG)
(* Next Obligation. *)
(* simpl. *)
(* iIntros (???????) "(%&%&%&?) (%&%&%&?)". *)
(* iApply (rand_tapes_auth_exclusive with "[$][$]"). *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Next Obligation. *)
(* simpl. *)
(* iIntros (???????) "(%&%&?) (%&%&?)". *)
(* iApply (rand_tapes_exclusive with "[$][$]"). *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Next Obligation. *)
(* simpl. *)
(* iIntros (????????) "(%&%&%K&?) (%&%&?)". *)
(* iDestruct (rand_tapes_agree γ α with "[$][$]") as "%K'". *)
(* iPureIntro. *)
(* apply K in K'. subst. naive_solver. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Next Obligation. *)
(* simpl. *)
(* iIntros (??????) "(%&%&?)". *)
(* iPureIntro. *)
(* subst. *)
(* induction ls; first done. *)
(* rewrite filter_cons. *)
(* case_decide as H; last done. *)
(* rewrite Forall_cons_iff; split; last done. *)
(* rewrite /filter_f in H. lia. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Next Obligation. *)
(* simpl. *)
(* iIntros (??????????) "(%&%&%&?) (%&%&?)". *)
(* iMod (rand_tapes_update _ _ _ _ (_,ns') with "[$][$]") as "[??]"; last iFrame. *)
(* - eapply Forall_impl; first done. simpl; lia. *)
(* - iPureIntro. split; [split; first (rewrite !dom_insert_L; set_solver)|]. *)
(* + intros ? xs' ? K. *)
(* rewrite lookup_insert_Some in K. *)
(* destruct K as [[??]|[??]]; simplify_eq. *)
(* * split; first done. *)
(* rewrite lookup_insert_Some; left. *)
(* split; first done. *)
(* by erewrite Forall_filter_f. *)
(* * rewrite lookup_insert_ne; last done. *)
(* naive_solver. *)
(* + by apply Forall_filter_f. *)
(* Qed. *)
Next Obligation.
iIntros (???????) "H1 H2".
iCombine "H1 H2" gives "%K". by rewrite auth_auth_op_valid in K.
Next Obligation.
simpl. iIntros (????? z z' ?) "H1 H2".
iCombine "H1 H2" gives "%K".
apply frac_auth_included_total in K. iPureIntro.
by apply nat_included.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (?????????).
rewrite frac_auth_frag_op. by rewrite own_op.
Next Obligation.
simpl. iIntros (???????) "H1 H2".
iCombine "H1 H2" gives "%K".
by apply frac_auth_agree_L in K.
Next Obligation.
simpl. iIntros (?????????) "H1 H2".
iMod (own_update_2 _ _ _ (_ ⋅ _) with "[$][$]") as "[$$]"; last done.
apply frac_auth_update.
apply nat_local_update. lia.

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