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hei411 committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 0ce028d commit 8534a6d
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Showing 2 changed files with 128 additions and 11 deletions.
14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions theories/coneris/examples/hash/seq_hash.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
From stdpp Require Export fin_maps.
From iris.algebra Require Import excl_auth numbers gset_bij.
From clutch.coneris Require Export coneris hocap_rand abstract_tape.
From clutch.coneris Require Export coneris hocap_rand abstract_tape seq_hash_interface.
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Section simple_bit_hash.
Section seq_hash_impl.

Context `{Hcon:conerisGS Σ, r1:!@rand_spec Σ Hcon, L:!randG Σ,
HinG: inG Σ (gset_bijR nat nat), HinG': abstract_tapesGS Σ}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,14 +45,6 @@ Section simple_bit_hash.
λ: "_",
rand_allocate_tape #val_size.

(* A hash function is collision free if the partial map it
implements is an injective function *)
Definition coll_free (m : gmap nat nat) :=
forall k1 k2,
is_Some (m !! k1) ->
is_Some (m !! k2) ->
m !!! k1 = m !!! k2 ->
k1 = k2.

Definition hash_view_auth m γ := (own γ (gset_bij_auth (DfracOwn 1) (map_to_set pair m)))%I.
Definition hash_view_frag k v γ := (own γ (gset_bij_elem k v)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,7 +557,7 @@ Section simple_bit_hash.
simpl; by rewrite Permutation_middle.

End simple_bit_hash.
End seq_hash_impl.

Expand Down
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/examples/hash/seq_hash_interface.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

(** * TODO *)
(** * For the hash with lock, the lock protects the hash table plus the authoritative part of the maps*)

(* A hash function is collision free if the partial map it
implements is an injective function *)
Definition coll_free (m : gmap nat nat) :=
forall k1 k2,
is_Some (m !! k1) ->
is_Some (m !! k2) ->
m !!! k1 = m !!! k2 ->
k1 = k2.

Class hash_view `{!conerisGS Σ} := Hash_View
hvG : gFunctors -> Type;
hv_name : Type;
hv_auth {L:hvG Σ} : gmap nat nat -> hv_name -> iProp Σ;
hv_frag {L:hvG Σ} : nat -> nat -> hv_name -> iProp Σ

Class seq_hash `{!conerisGS Σ} (val_size:nat):= Seq_Hash
(** * Operations *)
new_counter : val;
(* incr_counter : val; *)
allocate_tape : val;
incr_counter_tape : val;
read_counter : val;
(** * Ghost state *)
(** The assumptions about [Σ] *)
counterG : gFunctors → Type;
(** [name] is used to associate [locked] with [is_lock] *)
(* tape_name: Type; *)
counter_name: Type;
(** * Predicates *)
is_counter {L : counterG Σ} (N:namespace) (counter: val) (γ: counter_name): iProp Σ;
(* counter_tapes_auth {L : counterG Σ} (γ: tape_name) (m:gmap loc (list nat)): iProp Σ; *)
counter_tapes {L : counterG Σ} (α:val) (ns:list nat): iProp Σ;
counter_content_auth {L : counterG Σ} (γ: counter_name) (z:nat): iProp Σ;
counter_content_frag {L : counterG Σ} (γ: counter_name) (f:frac) (z:nat): iProp Σ;
(** * General properties of the predicates *)
#[global] is_counter_persistent {L : counterG Σ} N c γ1 ::
Persistent (is_counter (L:=L) N c γ1);
(* #[global] counter_tapes_auth_timeless {L : counterG Σ} γ m :: *)
(* Timeless (counter_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m); *)
#[global] counter_tapes_timeless {L : counterG Σ} α ns ::
Timeless (counter_tapes (L:=L) α ns);
#[global] counter_content_auth_timeless {L : counterG Σ} γ z ::
Timeless (counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ z);
#[global] counter_content_frag_timeless {L : counterG Σ} γ f z ::
Timeless (counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ f z);

(* counter_tapes_auth_exclusive {L : counterG Σ} γ m m': *)
(* counter_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m -∗ counter_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m' -∗ False; *)
counter_tapes_exclusive {L : counterG Σ} α ns ns':
counter_tapes (L:=L) α ns -∗ counter_tapes (L:=L) α ns' -∗ False;
(* counter_tapes_agree {L : counterG Σ} γ α m ns: *)
(* counter_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m -∗ counter_tapes (L:=L) γ α ns -∗ ⌜ m!! α = Some (ns) ⌝; *)
counter_tapes_valid {L : counterG Σ} α ns:
counter_tapes (L:=L) α ns -∗ ⌜Forall (λ n, n<=3)%nat ns⌝;
(* counter_tapes_update {L : counterG Σ} γ α m ns ns': *)
(* Forall (λ x, x<=3%nat) ns'-> *)
(* counter_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ m -∗ counter_tapes (L:=L) γ α ns ==∗ *)
(* counter_tapes_auth (L:=L) γ (<[α := ns']> m) ∗ counter_tapes (L:=L) γ α (ns'); *)
counter_tapes_presample {L:counterG Σ} N E γ c α ns ε (ε2 : fin 4%nat -> R):
↑N ⊆ E ->
(∀ x, 0<=ε2 x)%R ->
(SeriesC (λ n, 1 / 4 * ε2 n)%R <= ε)%R ->
is_counter(L:=L) N c γ -∗
counter_tapes (L:=L) α (ns) -∗
↯ ε -∗
state_update E E (∃ n, ↯ (ε2 n) ∗ counter_tapes (L:=L) α (ns ++ [fin_to_nat n]));

counter_content_auth_exclusive {L : counterG Σ} γ z1 z2:
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ z1 -∗ counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ z2 -∗ False;
counter_content_less_than {L : counterG Σ} γ z z' f:
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ z -∗ counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ f z' -∗ ⌜(z'<=z)%nat ⌝;
counter_content_frag_combine {L:counterG Σ} γ f f' z z':
(counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ f z ∗ counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ f' z')%I ≡
counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ (f+f')%Qp (z+z')%nat;
counter_content_agree {L : counterG Σ} γ z z':
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ z -∗ counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ 1%Qp z' -∗ ⌜(z'=z)%nat ⌝;
counter_content_update {L : counterG Σ} γ f z1 z2 z3:
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ z1 -∗ counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ f z2 ==∗
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ (z1+z3)%nat ∗ counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ f (z2+z3)%nat;

(** * Program specs *)
new_counter_spec {L : counterG Σ} E N:
{{{ True }}} new_counter #() @E
{{{ c, RET c; ∃ γ1, is_counter (L:=L) N c γ1 ∗
counter_content_frag (L:=L) γ1 1%Qp 0%nat
allocate_tape_spec {L: counterG Σ} N E c γ1 :
↑N ⊆ E->
{{{ is_counter (L:=L) N c γ1 }}}
allocate_tape #() @ E
{{{ (v:val), RET v; counter_tapes (L:=L) v []
incr_counter_tape_spec_some {L: counterG Σ} N E c γ1 (Q:nat->iProp Σ) (α:val) n ns:
↑N⊆E ->
{{{ is_counter (L:=L) N c γ1 ∗
counter_tapes (L:=L) α (n::ns) ∗
( ∀ (z:nat), counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ1 z ={E∖↑N}=∗
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ1 (z+n) ∗ Q z)

incr_counter_tape c α @ E
{{{ (z:nat), RET (#z, #n); counter_tapes (L:=L) α ns ∗
Q z }}};
read_counter_spec {L: counterG Σ} N E c γ1 Q:
↑N ⊆ E ->
{{{ is_counter (L:=L) N c γ1 ∗
(∀ (z:nat), counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ1 z ={E∖↑N}=∗
counter_content_auth (L:=L) γ1 z∗ Q z)

read_counter c @ E
{{{ (n':nat), RET #n'; Q n'

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