PNG renderer for prometheus based on carbonapi
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 lomik/prometheus-png:latest -prometheus ""
Command line options
Usage of ./prometheus-png:
-config string
Config filename. Only TOML format is supported
Print default config
-httptest.serve string
if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks
-listen string
Listen addr (default ":8080")
-prometheus string
Prometheus addr (default "")
-prometheus.path string
Path to query_range endpoint (default "/api/v1/query_range")
-timeout duration
Default timeout for queries (default 10s)
Config file
# You can use special macros "${ENV:VARIABLE_NAME}" in config
# It will be replaced to environment variable value before parse TOML
listen = ":8080"
prometheus-addr = ""
prometheus-path = "/api/v1/query_range"
timeout = "10s"
# All GET-parameters from carbonapi for format=png is allowed in templates
# grafana colors
areaMode = "all"
colorList = "7EB26D,EAB839,6ED0E0,EF843C,E24D42,1F78C1,BA43A9,705DA0,508642,CCA300,447EBC,C15C17,890F02,0A437C,6D1F62,584477,B7DBAB,F4D598,70DBED,F9BA8F,F29191,82B5D8,E5A8E2,AEA2E0,629E51,E5AC0E,64B0C8,E0752D,BF1B00,0A50A1,962D82,614D93,9AC48A,F2C96D,65C5DB,F9934E,EA6460,5195CE,D683CE,806EB7,3F6833,967302,2F575E,99440A,58140C,052B51,511749,3F2B5B,E0F9D7,FCEACA,CFFAFF,F9E2D2,FCE2DE,BADFF4,F9D9F9,DEDAF7"
majorGridLineColor = "808080"
minorGridLineColor = "808080"
bgcolor = "171819"
areaAlpha = 0.09
fontName = "Roboto"
areaMode = "none"
colorList = "blue,green,red,purple,brown,yellow,aqua,grey,magenta,pink,gold,rose"
majorGridLineColor = "white"
minorGridLineColor = "grey"
areaAlpha = "NaN"
fontName = "Sans"
bgcolor = "black"
- g0.expr, g1.expr, ..., gN.expr - prometheus queries
- g0.legend, g1.legend, ..., gN.legend - custom legend template. Tag values can be printed with {{.tagname}} instruction
- gN.filter[labelName]=labelValue - display only series with corresponding label values
- timeout - optional custom query timeout
- pixelRatio - device pixel ratio
- template - template name from config
- all GET-parameters from carbonapi for format=png
git clone
cd prometheus-png
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew install cairo --with-x11
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig
git clone
cd prometheus-png