A Rust path library with quirks that is as platform-agnostic as possible.
cargo install quirks-path
use quirks_path::{ Path, PathBuf };
Forked from std::path, the library provides as much cross-platform path manipulation capability as possible.
One major use case is serving as an intermediary server: receiving path data from clients, performing path operations, and then forwarding it to a third party service (with the third party's system platform determined solely by the client).
- *nix Paths (without
- Windows Verbatim:
- Windows Verbatim UNC:
- Windows Verbatim Disk:
- Windows DeviceNS:
- Windows UNC:
- Windows Disk:
Think any of / or \ be a seperator or special mark
Prefer think paths that not have verbatim prefix and start with / be *nix-like root paths
Prefer think paths start with drive as windows drive paths, and if not contains / sep then default use \ sep
When call absolute method it will not trim components trailing space and dots (windows style) and not remove parent ..
Prefer think paths that not have verbatim prefix and start with \ be *windows-like root paths
Lack of extra information, think COM1 as relative path