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A collection of Java libraries and executables for conducting phylogenomic analyses, mainly for convergence detection. Includes wrappers to a variety of tools including PAML, RAxML, and PhyloBayes.
Several projects including:
- CONTEXT, a phylogenomic dataset browser (current major version: v0.8.prerelease)(all versions)
- A simple MRCA substitution detector for finding parallel substitutions given an alignment and phylogeny (current: public alpha, no version number)
- A genome convergence detection pipeline (current: in progress - no public release)
Requires Java 1.6+. The codebase references the following open-source libraries:
- Colt - Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing (colt.jar)
- JAMA - Java Matrix Algebra (1.0.3, 2012.11.09; Jama-1.0.3.jar)
- JSC - Java Statistical Classes v1.0 (jsc-1.jar)
- XStream - Java XML bindings (xstream-1.4.4.jar and dependencies)
- JFreeChart (jfreechart-1.0.14.jar)
- JEBL - Java Evolutionary Biology Library v0.4 (jebl-0.4.jar)
The executable jarfiles (see trunk/bin directory) come with these build-path dependencies already packaged. They should run as standalone Java apps with no additional dependencies