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Lookback's internal tools for managing styling across our web products.

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The Lookbook πŸ’…

Lookback's central location for shared colors and styles ✨

Read the complete overview at the Lookbook website.

What's included

This repository is a build chain for building a distributable .css file for use in various web products of Lookback.

The CSS file

  • CSS Custom Properties for all Lookback colors.
  • A CSS reset (Normalize).
  • Components, such as loading indicators and buttons.
  • Styled HTML elements.
  • Utility classes, made with Tailwind.

Build Artefacts

  • lookbook.css – Non-minified. Good for dev or inclusion in other projects through importing the npm module.
  • lookback.dist.css – Minified with sourcemaps. This is probably what you'd like in production.
  • lookback.min.css – Minified without sourcemaps. When you don't need sourcemaps (gives a smaller build).

All of these files are available in the dist directory. This means, you can add this module as a dependency in your project, and then @import the CSS file you need:

/* style.css */
@import 'lookbook/dist/lookbook.css';
/* or
 *  @import 'path/to/node_modules/lookbook/dist/lookbook.css';
 * depending on how your local CSS build chain is working with @import

The PostCSS plugin

The Lookbook PostCSS plugin is essentially a wrapper around these plugins:

  • postcss-import
  • tailwindcss
  • postcss-nested
  • postcss-color-function
  • autoprefixer


You can make use of the Lookbook styles depending on what your needs are. There are three use cases:

  1. You just need the basic Lookbook base styling and helpers in a big ol' CSS file.
  2. You'd like to use the Lookbook's config variables in your custom stylesheet.
  3. Both of 1) and 2).

Just the stylesheet

Add a link element to a head tag:


This CSS file is cached with immutable, max-age: 31536000.

If you want to be on the bleeding edge, use latest as version:


This should work for most sites. You can of course also link to the bare and non-minified versions of lookbook.css too.

Custom use with PostCSS

For more advanced usage, you can use the Lookbook as a regular PostCSS plugin.

npm install --save-dev postcss postss-cli @lookback/lookbook

Sample postcss.config.js:

const { defaultPostCssPlugins } = require('@lookback/lookbook');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    ...defaultPostCssPlugins(), // includes Tailwind and other handy plugins
    // other plugins

View a complete, drop-in postcss.config.sample.js in this repo!

⚠️ Note that you should really minify and purge your app's CSS when building for production!

If you'd like to use the Tailwind config values in your custom CSS, you can install this Lookbook as an npm module and use its exported defaultPostCssPlugins function in a PostCSS setup (see "API" below).


  • Use P3 colour space by passing a truthy LOOKBOOK_USE_P3 environment variable where you build your CSS with PostCSS:
    LOOKBOOK_USE_P3=1 postcss ...

Programmatic API

These are the exported members of the @lookback/lookbook module.


Typescript types are included in dist/types.d.ts.


If you only want the raw colour codes, they're provided as a hash in the colors export:

import { colors } from '@lookback/lookbook';

  'orange-10': '#fef7ea',
  'orange-20': '#fef3d7',
  'orange-30': '#f6e1aa',
  'orange-40': '#fcc646',


A PostCSS config ready for use in a postcss.config.js.


A function for getting all the PostCSS plugins we use internally in this Lookbook module as an array. This is handy to attach to PostCSS's plugin config flag.

A Gulp example:

// gulpfile.js
const { defaultPostCssPlugins } = require('@lookback/lookbook');
const postcss = require('gulp-postcss');

const compileCss = () =>
                // `defaultPostCssPlugins` returns an array of plugins.
                    // Optionally refer to your own tailwind config:
                    pathToTailwindConf: './tailwind.config.js',

gulp.task('css', () => compileCss());

Optionally, call the function with a hash where you refer to a local tailwind.config.js. In there, you can extend the default one we keep in the Lookbook (this is of course not encouraged).


Lookback's Tailwind config.


To hack on the CSS in this repo, remember these things:

  1. Your seemingly tiny changes might have huge rings on the water. Like the wings of your butterfly. This CSS might be used in many web products of Lookback. Be sure to test your changes. Even if consumers of this CSS use versioning.
  2. Keep it simple. This CSS should only use the bare minimum to get started when styling a web frontend. Don't add extra kilobytes in vain.

With that said, here are some nifty scripts that might aid development:

npm run build

This builds the final distributable CSS files:

  • dist/lookbook.dist.css – Minified CSS, including source maps.
  • dist/lookbook.css – Unminified file, meant for development or inclusion in other CSS codebases.
  • dist/lookbook.min.css – Minified CSS.

npm start

Compile the distributable CSS files as you save.

npm run dist

This one is handy when you wanna distribute built files in a new version of the Lookbook's CSS. This script will take files from the dist directory and put them in a storage bucket. Requires these environment variables setup:



When editing the colour scheme, currently kept as a shared library in Figma, you can use this script to update the Tailwind config with all those colours. We use Figma's nifty web API for that.

npm test

Currently lints the CSS source.

Releasing a new version

Three steps:

# Bump version
npm version
# Publish on npm
npm publish
# Push version to repo
git push && git push --tags
# Distribute files to CDN
npm run dist

Remember to write release notes in GitHub!

npm run sizes

Will write to two files:

  • sizes/sizes.json
  • sizes/sizes.html

Both are git ignored.

These contain the current file sizes for the .css files in dist.

This script is run by CircleCI on every build. Can be run locally in order to sanity check file sizes.