This is an implementation of mutex watershed, for 2d and 3d image segmentation without seeds.
The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning
- 2D mutex watershed:
- short range attractive 4 neighbor (along 2 axes)
- lang range repulsive 8 neighbor (along 2 axes and 2 diagonals)
- 3D mutex watershed:
- short range attractive 6 neighbor (along 3 axes)
- lang range repulsive 18 neighbor (along 3 axes and 6 diagnals in the coordinate planes)
- connectivity query: union find + weighted tree + path compression
- sort: quick sort + consideration of the case, where large amount of same values
The running time is reported on a Dell XPS13 Laptop:
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550 CPU @ 1.8 GHz 2.00 GHz
- 16 GB memory
- Windows 10
Running time:
- 2D image 512 x 512: ~ 0.37s
- 3D image 10 x 512 x 512: ~ 7.7s
- 3D image 50 x 512 x 512 : ~ 41.8s
- 3D image 100 x 512 x 512: ~ 123.8s
Applying masks can reduce the computation time by reducing the edges involved. Althought the actual effect depends on the mask, remeber to use it if available.
Runing time with mask:
- 2D image 512 x 512 with mask: ~ 0.15s
- 3D image 10 x 512 x 512 with mask: ~ 2.8s
- 3D image 50 x 512 x 512 with mask: ~ 15.5s
- 3D image 100 x 512 x 512 with mask: ~ 33.23s
# clone the git repository
git clone
cd mws
# install
python install
# or if you only want to complie the C extension
python build
The usage is simple by just calling:
mws2d(attractive, repulsive, repulsive_range, min_size)
attractive: (H x W, 2) attractive weights with neigbor pixels (with distance 1) along directions
- (dim1)-axis
- (dim2)-axis
repulsive: (H x H x 4) repulsive weights with long range pixels along directions
- (dim1)-axis,
- (dim2)-axis,
- (dim1,dim2)-diagnal,
- (dim1,-dim2)-diagnal direction
rep_range: distance of the long range repulsive weights
min_size: the minimal number of pixels to form a cluster, default=0
Return: (H x W) segmentation map
mws3d(attractive, repulsive, repulsive_range, min_sz)
attractive: (H x W x D, 3) attractive weights with neigbor pixels (with distance 1) along directions
- (dim1)-axis
- (dim2)-axis
- (dim3)-axis
repulsive: (H x W x D x 9) repulsive weights with long range pixels along directions
- (dim1)-axis
- (dim2)-axis
- (dim3)-axis
- (dim1,dim2)-diagnal
- (dim1,-dim2)-diagnal
- (dim1,dim3)-diagnal
- (dim1,-dim3)-diagnal
- (dim2,dim3)-diagnal
- (dim2,-dim3)-diagnal
rep_range: distance of the long range repulsive weights
min_size: the minimal number of pixels to form a cluster, default=0
Return: (H x W x D) segmentation map
- only attractive / repulisve != 0 will be processed, to reduce the computation workload, set non-concerning edge to zero
- margin area, where no neighbor pixel exists, will be ingored, for example, the last pixel of a row has no right-side neighbor pixel
Combined with deep learning approaches, the attractive and repulsive weights can be explicitly predicted[1] or implicitly estimated through pixel embedding[2].
If you work on pixel embedding, the following class may be also helpful:
class MutexCosinePixelEmbedding(object):
def __init__(self, lange_range=4, min_size=0, compensate=0.2):
def run(self, image, mask=None):
class MutexEuclideanPixelEmbedding(object):
def __init__(self, lange_range=4, min_size=0, cluster_distance=3):
def run(self, image, mask=None):
[1] Superhuman Accuracy on the Snemi3d Connectomics Challenge
[2] Instance Segmentation of Biomedical Images with an Object-aware Embedding Learned with Local Constraints [3] Semantic Instance Segmentation with a Discriminative Loss Function