This is an Educational Game for "Man vs automated Testing Tools challenges", part of the ENACTEST project.
It has been realized during the Software Architecture Design course at University of Naples Federico II:
Team Components:
- Pasquale Riello - M63/1516
- Lorenzo Pannone - M63/1492
Our task was to integrate the other tasks and microservices - created by other teams - into the final working product. Others goals we have achieved are:
- Enhanced the security (authentication, authorization) and management of APIs by implementing the API Gateway component
- Increased consistency by serving pages from the same domain and port by implementing a reverse proxy (the UI Gateway component)
More specifically, we have integrated the following tasks:
- Task 1:
- Task 2-3:
- Task 4:
- Task 5:
- Task 6:
- Task 7:
- Task 9:
The script "installer.bat" should be started. The following operations will be performed:
- creation of the "global-network" common to all containers
- creation of the volume "VolumeT9" common to Tasks 1 and 9
- installation of each individual container
NOTE: The container related to Task 9 ("Project-SAD-G19-master") will suspend itself after startup. It is only used to "populate" the "VolumeT9" volume shared with Task 1.
You must configure the container "manvsclass-mongo_db-1" as also described in the Task 1 documentation. To do this you must do the following:
stand inside the container terminal.
type the command "mongosh"
type the following commands:
use manvsclass db.createCollection("ClassUT"); db.createCollection("interaction"); db.createCollection("Admin"); db.createCollection("Operation"); db.ClassUT.createIndex({ difficulty: 1 }) db.Interaction.createIndex({ name: "text", type: 1 }) db.interaction.createIndex({ name: "text" }) db.Admin.createIndex({username: 1})
The entire application is now fully configured and reachable on port :80.