This repository contains the code related to the Orchestrator for the edge platform developed during my master thesis. This software is responsible for creating all software infrastructure for the edge platform at startup, receiving login/logout request from client and migration request from Mobility Management. All those requests triggers modification in resource allocated on Edge nodes, both in terms of Docker container executing client related application and Envoy rules installed on Edge Envoy proxies.
Note: TLS/mTLS certificates and private keys not included for security reasons. See Security/TLS section.
- Import the project into Intellij IDEA
- Edit configuration.json file inside configuration folder properly (see Configuration explaination below)
- Run
- Create package file using "mvn package" command (required Maven installed)
- Execute the generated JAR using
java -jar package.jar
(be careful to relative folder related to configuration and TLS/mTLS)
The configuration file is placed inside /configuration folder.
"ENABLE_DNS": (bool) enable support for DNS based migration solution (only for comparison testing purposes)
"DNS_USER_TTL": (int) DNS TTL for DNS based migration solution (only for comparison testing purposes)
"PERFORMANCE_TRACING": (bool) enable time measurement of login/logout/migrate/userResourceAllocation (for performance testing)
"DNS_API_IP": (str) IPv4 of DNS server of the platform (in this implementation, recursive and authoritative DNS are reachable using the same IP e.g. they are on the same host)
"DNS_API_PORT": (int) Port of PowerDNS API to update DNS configuration
"DNS_API_SERVER_ID": (str) server ID assigned to the PowerDNS server (typically "localhost", see PowerDNS documentation for more detail)
"DNS_API_KEY": (str) secret API key to edit DNS configuration
"ENVOY_CONFIGURATION_SERVER_PORT": (int) Port where gRPC xDS server is listening to serve Envoy configurations to proxies
"ENVOY_CONFIGURATION_SERVER_IP": (str) IPv4 where gRPC xDS server is listening to serve Envoy configurations to proxies
"ORCHESTRATOR_API_PORT": (int) Port on which Orchestrator is listening
"ORCHESTRATOR_API_IP": (str) IPv4 on which Orchestrator is listening
"ORCHESTRATOR_USER_GARBAGE_DELAY": (int) Period of time between two user garbage collector execution
"PLATFORM_DOMAIN": (str) base domain related to the platform (e.g. It is used for DNS zone identification and virtual host setting inside Envoy route configuration
"PLATFORM_CLOUD_DOMAIN": (str) domain that is served to client to make requests (e.g.
"PLATFORM_ENVOY_CONF_SERVER_DOMAIN": (str) domain that points to Envoy gRPC configuration server
"PLATFORM_ORCHESTRATOR_DOMAIN": (str) domain that points to Orchestrator API
"PLATFORM_NODE_BASE_DOMAIN": (str) base domain to be used for each edge node (e.g., so each edge will obtain a domain like, ecc.)
"PLATFORM_USER_BASE_DOMAIN": (str) base domain to be used for each user in DNS mode (e.g., so each edge will obtain a domain like, ecc.)
"CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_LENGTH": (int) byte length of the authentication token used by client to access the services
"CLIENT_SESSION_DURATION": (int) Maximum duration of a client session. Client that wants to extend their session can login again before expiration.
"CRYPTO_TOKEN_LENGTH": (int) byte length of the authentication token used by Edge node during startup to fetch TLS/mTLS data
"CRYPTO_TOKEN_SECONDS_VALIDITY": (int) maximum validity of cryto token to fetch TLS/mTLS data. It is just an upper bound, since token are invalidated when Edge proxy creation is completed.
"cloudNode": (ComputeNode) object that represents the envoy cloud node
"edgeNodes": (List<ComputeNode>) object that represents the list of envoy edge node
"applications": (List<Application>) object that represent the list of application that user can obtain (if configured) using the platform
├── java
│ └── it
│ └── lorenzogiorgi
│ └── tesi
│ ├── api
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│ ├── configuration
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│ ├── dns
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│ ├── envoy
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│ └── utiliy
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└── resources
├── docker-client-certificate
│ ├── ca.pem
│ ├── cert.pem
│ └── key.pem
├── log4j2.xml //log4j configuration file
├── mTLS-Envoy-server //server side Envoy mTLS resources
│ ├── ca.crt
│ ├── servercert.pem
│ └── serverkey.pem
├── server.keystore
└── tls //under this folder are stored all resources that are server to Envoy clients.
├── envoy-mtls //mTLS resources for Envoy client
│ ├── ca.crt
│ ├── clientcert.pem
│ └── clientkey.pem
└── platform-tls //TLS resources of the domain in use. See Security/TLS sections for more detail
├── servercert.pem
└── serverkey.pem
Both Envoy and Docker uses mTLS to provide encryption and authentication.
Docker server side cert/key must be manually installed on the target edge node, see Protect Docker daemon socket. Client cert/key must be placed inside resouces/docker-client-certificate with names ca.pem, cert.pem, and key.pem.
Envoy server side mTLS resouces must be placed inside resouces/mTLS-Envoy-server with names ca.pem, cert.pem, and key.pem, while client's inside resources/tls/envoy-mtls, according to the file tree structure.
TLS cert and key used during experiment were CA-signed certificate (by letsencrypt). In order to use this software, you have to provide valid TLS resources for your domain (that you have configure into configuration file). Since a single cert/key is used for all subdomain, I suggest to use a wildcard certificate with all necessary Subject Alternative Name (SAN). In order to work properly, the certificate must contain the following domain: Name between quote marks indicates variable to be set in configuration.json file.
- *."PLATFORM_NODE_BASE_DOMAIN" - only necessary if you want DNS mode
Orchestrator API are server using HTTPS. To make them work correctly, you need to create a valid keystone for your Orchestrator domain using the previously generated certificate/key as reported here.
In this thesis work, PowerDNS DNS Server has been used to dynamically setup A record for edge proxies and Orchestrator. However, it is possible to test the code even without it, simply settings DNS record manually. The following table describe the records to add to your DNS server in order to use the platform: Name between quote marks indicates variable to be set in configuration.json file.
Record Type | Domain | IP address | Description |
A | "PLATFORM_ORCHESTRATOR_DOMAIN" | "ORCHESTRATOR_API_IP" | DNS record that points to the node on which the Orchestrator is running |
A | "PLATFORM_ENVOY_CONF_SERVER_DOMAIN" | "ENVOY_CONFIGURATION_SERVER_IP" | DNS record that points to the node on which the Orchestrator is running. This is a different DNS record because in a different implementation Orchestrator and Envoy control plane may be separated. |
A | "PLATFORM_CLOUD_DOMAIN" | "cloudNode"."ipAddress" | DNS record that points to node on which the cloud Envoy instance is running. |
A | "nodeId"."PLATFORM_NODE_BASE_DOMAIN" | "edgeNodes".""."ipAddress" | DNS record that points to each edge node of platform |
If you want to use also the Orchestrator in DNS mode, you need to setup PowerDNS Authoritative Server.
The configuration file pdns.conf
used during our test is inside powerdns_configuration
You need to create a zone for your "PLATFORM_DOMAIN", using the REST API.
A dump of the zone configuration used is available under powerdns_configuration/zone_config.json
When PowerDNS is correctly configured, you need to put into Orchestrator configuration file the following information:
- DNS_API_KEY Please refer to Configuration file section for explanation of all parameters.