This project use a neural network to predict daily bike rental ridership.
See the jupyter notebook
Implement the backpropagation algorithm for a neural network.
- Python 3 - Language
- Anaconda - Python Data Science Platform
- Jupyter notebook - Web application that allows to create documents that contain live code
The core data set is related to the two-year historical log corresponding to years 2011 and 2012 from Capital Bikeshare system, Washington D.C., USA which is publicly available in
For more information read this
- Download and install Anaconda
- Update Anaconda
$ conda upgrade conda $ conda upgrade --all
- Clone and enter into the project's root directory by command line
$ git clone
- Create and activate enviroment
$ conda env create -f enviroment.yaml $ conda activate bicycle-sharing-forecast
conda create --name bicycle-sharing-forecast python=3 source activate bicycle-sharing-forecast conda install numpy matplotlib pandas jupyter notebook
- Start jupyter notebook
$ jupyter notebook
- Your browser will open showing a list of files, click on the bicycle_sharing_neural_network.ipynb notebook file
This project was developed during the deep-learning nanodegree from Udacity