This is a lightweight ActiveRecord way of managing Core Data objects.
The syntax is borrowed from Ruby on Rails.
And yeah, no AppDelegate code.
It's fully tested with Kiwi.
- Install with CocoaPods or clone
#import "ObjectiveRecord.h"
in your model or .pch file.
Person *john = [Person create]; = @"John";;
NSDictionary *attributes; // assume it's populated with name = john, key = value,...
[Person create:dictionary];
[Person create:@{ @"name" : @"John", @"age" : @12, @"member" : @NO }]; // XCode >= 4.4
NSArray *people = [Person all];
NSArray *johns = [Person where:@"name == 'John'"];
Person *johnDoe = [Person where:@"name == 'John' AND surname = 'Doe'"].first;
// XCode >= 4.4
NSArray *people = [Person where:@{ @"age" : @18 }];
NSArray *people = [Person where:@{ @"age" : @18,
@"member" : @YES,
@"state" : @"NY"
NSManagedObjectContext *newContext = [NSManagedObjectContext new];
Person *john = [Person createInContext:newContext];
Person *john = [Person where:@"name == 'John'" inContext:newContext].first;
NSArray *people = [Person allInContext:newContext];
If you've added the Core Data manually, you can change the custom model and database name in CoreDataManager.m
static NSString *CUSTOM_MODEL_NAME = @"Database";
static NSString *CUSTOM_DATABASE_NAME = nil;
NSArray *array; // assume it's full of objects
[array each:^(id object) {
NSLog(@"Object: %@", object);
[array eachWithIndex:^(id object, int index) {
NSLog(@"Object: %@ idx: %i", object, index);
id object = array.first;
id object = array.last;
// find
[[Person all] each:^(Person *person) {
person.member = @NO;
for(Person *person in [Person all]) {
person.member = @YES;
// create / save
Person *john = [Person create]; = @"John";
john.surname = @"Wayne";;
// find / delete
[[Person where: @{ "member" : @NO }] each:^(Person *person) {
[person delete];
Try to make where:(NSString *)condition
take va_args like NSLog().
That way you wouldn't have to use -stringWithFormat, and it would look cleaner.