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Louis Chatriot edited this page Jan 26, 2014 · 6 revisions

Finding documents

Use find to look for multiple documents matching you query, or findOne to look for one specific document. You can select documents based on field equality or use comparison operators ($lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $ne). You can also use logical operators $or, $and and $not. See below for the syntax.

You can use regular expressions in two ways: in basic querying in place of a string, or with the $regex operator.

You can sort and paginate results using the cursor API (see below).

Basic querying

Basic querying means are looking for documents whose fields match the ones you specify. You can use regular expression to match strings. You can use the dot notation to navigate inside nested documents, arrays, arrays of subdocuments and to match a specific element of an array.

// Let's say our datastore contains the following collection
// { _id: 'id1', planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', inhabited: false, satellites: ['Phobos', 'Deimos'] }
// { _id: 'id2', planet: 'Earth', system: 'solar', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 2, eyes: true } }
// { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Jupiter', system: 'solar', inhabited: false }
// { _id: 'id4', planet: 'Omicron Persei 8', system: 'futurama', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 7 } }
// { _id: 'id5', completeData: { planets: [ { name: 'Earth', number: 3 }, { name: 'Mars', number: 2 }, { name: 'Pluton', number: 9 } ] } }

// Finding all planets in the solar system
db.find({ system: 'solar' }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs is an array containing documents Mars, Earth, Jupiter
  // If no document is found, docs is equal to []

// Finding all planets whose name contain the substring 'ar' using a regular expression
db.find({ planet: /ar/ }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Mars and Earth

// Finding all inhabited planets in the solar system
db.find({ system: 'solar', inhabited: true }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs is an array containing document Earth only

// Use the dot-notation to match fields in subdocuments
db.find({ "humans.genders": 2 }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Earth

// Use the dot-notation to navigate arrays of subdocuments
db.find({ "": "Mars" }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains document 5

db.find({ "": "Jupiter" }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs is empty

db.find({ "": "Earth" }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains document 5
  // If we had tested against "Mars" docs would be empty because we are matching against a specific array element

// You can also deep-compare objects. Don't confuse this with dot-notation!
db.find({ humans: { genders: 2 } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs is empty, because { genders: 2 } is not equal to { genders: 2, eyes: true }

// Find all documents in the collection
db.find({}, function (err, docs) {

// The same rules apply when you want to only find one document
db.findOne({ _id: 'id1' }, function (err, doc) {
  // doc is the document Mars
  // If no document is found, doc is null

Operators ($lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $ne, $exists, $regex)

The syntax is { field: { $op: value } } where $op is any comparison operator:

  • $lt, $lte: less than, less than or equal
  • $gt, $gte: greater than, greater than or equal
  • $in: member of. value must be an array of values
  • $ne, $nin: not equal, not a member of
  • $exists: checks whether the document posses the property field. value should be true or false
  • $regex: checks whether a string is matched by the regular expression. Contrary to MongoDB, the use of $options with $regex is not supported, because it doesn't give you more power than regex flags. Basic queries are more readable so only use the $regex operator when you need to use another operator with it (see example below)
// $lt, $lte, $gt and $gte work on numbers and strings
db.find({ "humans.genders": { $gt: 5 } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Omicron Persei 8, whose humans have more than 5 genders (7).

// When used with strings, lexicographical order is used
db.find({ planet: { $gt: 'Mercury' }}, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Omicron Persei 8

// Using $in. $nin is used in the same way
db.find({ planet: { $in: ['Earth', 'Jupiter'] }}, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Earth and Jupiter

// Using $exists
db.find({ satellites: { $exists: true } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains only Mars

// Using $regex with another operator
db.find({ planet: { $regex: /ar/, $nin: ['Jupiter', 'Earth'] } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs only contains Mars because Earth was excluded from the match by $nin

Array fields

When a field in a document is an array, NeDB first tries to see if there is an array-specific comparison function (for now there is only $size) being used and tries it first. If there isn't, the query is treated as a query on every element and there is a match if at least one element matches.

// Using an array-specific comparison function
// Note: you can't use nested comparison functions, e.g. { $size: { $lt: 5 } } will throw an error
db.find({ satellites: { $size: 2 } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Mars

db.find({ satellites: { $size: 1 } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs is empty

// If a document's field is an array, matching it means matching any element of the array
db.find({ satellites: 'Phobos' }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Mars. Result would have been the same if query had been { satellites: 'Deimos' }

// This also works for queries that use comparison operators
db.find({ satellites: { $lt: 'Amos' } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs is empty since Phobos and Deimos are after Amos in lexicographical order

// This also works with the $in and $nin operator
db.find({ satellites: { $in: ['Moon', 'Deimos'] } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Mars (the Earth document is not complete!)

Logical operators $or, $and, $not

You can combine queries using logical operators:

  • For $or and $and, the syntax is { $op: [query1, query2, ...] }.
  • For $not, the syntax is { $not: query }
db.find({ $or: [{ planet: 'Earth' }, { planet: 'Mars' }] }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Earth and Mars

db.find({ $not: { planet: 'Earth' } }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Mars, Jupiter, Omicron Persei 8

// You can mix normal queries, comparison queries and logical operators
db.find({ $or: [{ planet: 'Earth' }, { planet: 'Mars' }], inhabited: true }, function (err, docs) {
  // docs contains Earth

Sorting and paginating

If you don't specify a callback to find, findOne or count, a Cursor object is returned. You can modify the cursor with sort, skip and limit and then execute it with exec(callback).

// Let's say the database contains these 4 documents
// doc1 = { _id: 'id1', planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', inhabited: false, satellites: ['Phobos', 'Deimos'] }
// doc2 = { _id: 'id2', planet: 'Earth', system: 'solar', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 2, eyes: true } }
// doc3 = { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Jupiter', system: 'solar', inhabited: false }
// doc4 = { _id: 'id4', planet: 'Omicron Persei 8', system: 'futurama', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 7 } }

// No query used means all results are returned (before the Cursor modifiers)
db.find({}).sort({ planet: 1 }).skip(1).limit(2).exec(function (err, docs) {
  // docs is [doc3, doc1]

// You can sort in reverse order like this
db.find({ system: 'solar' }).sort({ planet: -1 }).exec(function (err, docs) {
  // docs is [doc1, doc3, doc2]

// You can sort on one field, then another, and so on like this:
db.find({}).sort({ firstField: 1, secondField: -1 }) ...   // You understand how this works!