This is a small replication of PoliLean. The motivation behind this project is to see, where (OpenAI) LLMs currently stand politically. This current implementation works but is done poorly and just a proof of concept.
queries OpenAI models for their answers to the Political Compass test.
is a modified copy of the original PoliLean code to put in the answers to Political Compass.
will generate a new plot for the models answers.
will call the above scripts.
There are some scripts to find differences between models and generate the plot in scripts/
Next steps include:
- Add more prompts
- Incorporate more LLMs (Claude, Gemini etc.)
- Test models on Wahl-O-Mat
- Further pretrain on different German news corpora (e.g. Bild, SZ, FAZ) and see how the models opinions change
only works if the model never answered anything else than the 4 standard answers