A simple web app for book enthusiasts to track and manage their reading lists. Add, edit, and organize books you want to read and mark them as done when finished. Never lose track of your reading goals again.
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
- TailwindCSS
- Mongoose
- Axios
- Helmet
- NotiStack
- HTML: Follow semantic HTML5
- TAILWINDCSS: Uses tailwind design and pattern consistency
- JAVASCRIPT: Uses ES6 features
- REACT: Follows React18 best practices
- REACT: Uses custom hooks
- REACT-Query: Uses caching and data decoupling
- REACT Router DOM:
- AXIOS: Fetching data from DB
- MONGOOSE: Uses Model/Schema for the database
- NOTISTACK: UX alerts
- Track and Manage your Reading List
- Add Edit and Organize books you want to read
- Mark status as 'To Read' 'In progress' and 'Done
- User authentication
- Filtering books by Status
- Search through your reading list
- Forum and book recommendations