Ruby bindings for the Stanford CoreNLP Toolchain.
This gem provides high-level Ruby bindings to the Stanford CoreNLP package, a set natural language processing tools for tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, lemmatization, and parsing of English, French and German. The package also provides named entity recognition and coreference resolution for English.
This gem is compatible with Ruby 2.3
and 2.4
as well as JRuby 1.7
and 9
Older Ruby version should work as well.
You need Java 8 for the latest CoreNLP version (since 3.5.0, 2014-10-31), earlier versions are tested on both Java 6 and Java 7.
The version schema has been changed to reflect the development of Stanford CoreNLP itself. We'll release a gem for every new version from Stanford.
We strive to support all languages Stanford CoreNLP can work with.
Annotator | ar | zh | en | fr | de | es |
Tokenize / Segment | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
Sentence Split | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Part of Speech | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Lemma | ✔ | |||||
Named Entities | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Constituency Parsing | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Dependency Parsing | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Sentiment Analysis | ✔ | |||||
Mention Detection | ✔ | ✔ | ||||
Coreference | ✔ | ✔ | ||||
Open IE | ✔ |
First, install the gem: gem install stanford-core-nlp
Then, download the Stanford Core NLP JAR and model files:
Stanford CoreNLP
Place the contents of the extracted archive inside the /bin/
folder of
the stanford-core-nlp gem (e.g. [...]/gems/stanford-core-nlp-0.x/bin/).
You may want to set some optional configuration options. Here are some examples:
# Set an alternative path to look for the JAR files
# Default is gem's bin folder.
StanfordCoreNLP.jar_path = '/path_to_jars/'
# Set an alternative path to look for the model files
# Default is gem's bin folder.
StanfordCoreNLP.model_path = '/path_to_models/'
# Pass some alternative arguments to the Java VM.
# Default is ['-Xms512M', '-Xmx1024M'] (be prepared
# to take a coffee break).
StanfordCoreNLP.jvm_args = ['-option1', '-option2']
# Redirect VM output to log.txt
StanfordCoreNLP.log_file = 'log.txt'
# Change a specific model file.
StanfordCoreNLP.set_model('pos.model', 'english-left3words-distsim.tagger')
# Use the model files for a different language than English.
StanfordCoreNLP.use :french # or :german
text = 'Angela Merkel met Nicolas Sarkozy on January 25th in ' +
'Berlin to discuss a new austerity package. Sarkozy ' +
'looked pleased, but Merkel was dismayed.'
pipeline = StanfordCoreNLP.load(:tokenize, :ssplit, :pos, :lemma, :parse, :ner, :dcoref)
text =
text.get(:sentences).each do |sentence|
# Syntatical dependencies
puts sentence.get(:basic_dependencies).to_s
sentence.get(:tokens).each do |token|
# Default annotations for all tokens
puts token.get(:value).to_s
puts token.get(:original_text).to_s
puts token.get(:character_offset_begin).to_s
puts token.get(:character_offset_end).to_s
# POS returned by the tagger
puts token.get(:part_of_speech).to_s
# Lemma (base form of the token)
puts token.get(:lemma).to_s
# Named entity tag
puts token.get(:named_entity_tag).to_s
# Coreference
puts token.get(:coref_cluster_id).to_s
# Also of interest: coref, coref_chain,
# coref_cluster, coref_dest, coref_graph.
Important: You need to load the StanfordCoreNLP pipeline before using the StanfordCoreNLP::Annotation class.
The Ruby symbol (e.g. :named_entity_tag
) corresponding to a Java annotation
class is the snake_case
of the class name, with 'Annotation' at the end removed.
For example, NamedEntityTagAnnotation
translates to :named_entity_tag
to :part_of_speech
, etc.
A good reference for names of annotations are the Stanford Javadocs
for CoreAnnotations, CoreCorefAnnotations, and TreeCoreAnnotations. For a full list of all possible annotations, see the config.rb
file inside the gem.
Loading specific classes
You may want to load additional Java classes (including any class from the Stanford NLP packages). The gem provides an API for this:
# Default base class is edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.
puts StanfordCoreNLP::PTBTokenizerAnnotator.inspect
# => #<Rjb::Edu_stanford_nlp_pipeline_PTBTokenizerAnnotator>
# Here, we specify another base class.
StanfordCoreNLP.load_class('MaxentTagger', 'edu.stanford.nlp.tagger')
puts StanfordCoreNLP::MaxentTagger.inspect
# => <Rjb::Edu_stanford_nlp_tagger_maxent_MaxentTagger:0x007f88491e2020>
Here is a full list of annotator classes provided by the Stanford Core NLP package.
You can load these classes individually using StanfordCoreNLP.load_class
(see above). Once this is done, you can use them like you would from
a Java program. Refer to the Java documentation for a list of functions provided
by each of these classes.
- PTBTokenizerAnnotator - tokenizes the text following Penn Treebank conventions.
- WordToSentenceAnnotator - splits a sequence of words into a sequence of sentences.
- POSTaggerAnnotator - annotates the text with part-of-speech tags.
- MorphaAnnotator - morphological normalizer (generates lemmas).
- NERAnnotator - annotates the text with named-entity labels.
- NERCombinerAnnotator - combines several NER models.
- TrueCaseAnnotator - detects the true case of words in free text.
- ParserAnnotator - generates constituent and dependency trees.
- NumberAnnotator - recognizes numerical entities such as numbers, money, times, and dates.
- TimeWordAnnotator - recognizes common temporal expressions, such as "teatime".
- QuantifiableEntityNormalizingAnnotator - normalizes the content of all numerical entities.
- SRLAnnotator - annotates predicates and their semantic roles.
- DeterministicCorefAnnotator - implements anaphora resolution using a deterministic model.
- NFLAnnotator - implements entity and relation mention extraction for the NFL domain.
Here is a full list of the default models for the Stanford Core NLP pipeline. You can change these models individually using StanfordCoreNLP.set_model
(see above).
- 'pos.model' - 'english-left3words-distsim.tagger'
- 'ner.model' - 'all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz'
- 'parse.model' - 'englishPCFG.ser.gz'
- 'dcoref.demonym' - 'demonyms.txt'
- 'dcoref.animate' - 'animate.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.female' - 'female.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.inanimate' - 'inanimate.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.male' - 'male.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.neutral' - 'neutral.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.plural' - 'plural.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.singular' - 'singular.unigrams.txt'
- 'dcoref.states' - 'state-abbreviations.txt'
- 'dcoref.extra.gender' - 'namegender.combine.txt'
To run the specs for each language (after copying the JARs into the bin
rake spec[english]
rake spec[german]
rake spec[french]
Using the latest version of the Stanford CoreNLP (version 3.5.0 as of 31/10/2014) requires some additional manual steps:
- Download Stanford CoreNLP version 3.5.0 from
- Place the contents of the extracted archive inside the /bin/ folder of the stanford-core-nlp gem (e.g. [...]/gems/stanford-core-nlp-0.x/bin/) or inside the directory location configured by setting StanfordCoreNLP.jar_path.
- Download the full Stanford Tagger version 3.5.0 from
- Make a directory named 'taggers' inside the /bin/ folder of the stanford-core-nlp gem (e.g. [...]/gems/stanford-core-nlp-0.x/bin/) or inside the directory configured by setting StanfordCoreNLP.jar_path.
- Place the contents of the extracted archive inside taggers directory.
- Download the bridge.jar file from
- Place the downloaded bridge.jar file inside the /bin/ folder of the stanford-core-nlp gem (e.g. [...]/gems/stanford-core-nlp-0.x/bin/) or inside the directory configured by setting StanfordCoreNLP.jar_path.
- Configure your setup (for English) as follows:
StanfordCoreNLP.use :english
StanfordCoreNLP.model_files = {}
StanfordCoreNLP.default_jars = [
Or configure your setup (for French) as follows:
StanfordCoreNLP.use :french
StanfordCoreNLP.model_files = {}
StanfordCoreNLP.set_model('pos.model', 'french.tagger')
StanfordCoreNLP.default_jars = [
Or configure your setup (for German) as follows:
StanfordCoreNLP.use :german
StanfordCoreNLP.model_files = {}
StanfordCoreNLP.set_model('pos.model', 'german-fast.tagger')
StanfordCoreNLP.default_jars = [
We are very glad to see you in this section and highly appreciate any help!
If you want to contribute please agree that your work will be published
under the terms of the GPL v.3.0
Some of the open tasks for contributors are listed on the issues page. You may want to start there.
Then feel free to fork the code and send us a pull request.
by Louis-Antoine Mullie,
Andrei Beliankou and
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see