This project aims to read a log file of the game Quake 3 Arena and extract information about the matches.
It is a very simple project that uses only the Ruby language and a few other libraries:
- Rubocop e Rubocop-performance: Used to check code quality and maintain a good writing standard.
- Byebug: Used to debug the code.
- Awesome Print: Used to improve the visualization of some arrays and hashes.
To run the project, you must have installed Ruby installed on your machine, if you do not recommend using ASDF to install Ruby. I recommend using Ruby version 3.2 or higher.
If you have not installed I recommend following the tutorial below (If you remember to change the command to install version 3.2 or higher):
Caso esteja utilizando MacOs:
To use the project, simply clone the repository and run the quake_parser.rb file.
ruby src/quake_parser.rb
To check the quality of the code, just run the command below: