My second OGL Engine. Supports Shadowmapping/Phong Lightning/Terrain rendering. OGL 3.1 Core.
Pretty basic, as it was initially only for some simulation tasks at my old employer.
- Material file format that describes shaders and texture
- Complete Scene graph with world/local transform support
- Simple shadowmapping engine
- Mathematically correct directional/ambient lightning
- Support for meshes in own ngl format designed to be loaded quickly
- Basic terrain rendering
- Arcball/Freefloat Camera system
- Optimization such as Oriented Bounding Boxes for Meshes and Terrain blocks
- ...And some other stuff
I hope you have fun with this. I know the code is pretty crappy at some points.
Probably none. If I get back into OpenGL, I will probably write a new engine as I have learned a bit more about software architecture now.
Requires my rax framework to compile, which is in another repository of mine.