Forklift provides tools to create Foreman/Katello environments for development, testing and production configurations. Whether you are a developer wanting an environment to write code, or a user wanting to spin up the latest production environment for deployment or evaluation Forklift has you covered.
- Using Forklift
- Production Environments
- Development Environments
- Testing Environments
- Troubleshooting
This will walk through the simplest path of spinning up a production test environment of a bleeding edge nightly installation assuming vagrant and Libvirt are installed and configured.
git clone
cd forklift
vagrant up centos7-foreman-nightly
The same can be quickly done for a development environment:
git clone
cd forklift
cp boxes.yaml.example boxes.yaml
vagrant up centos7-devel
Sometimes you want to spin up the same box type (e.g. centos7-devel) from within the forklift directory. While this can be added to the Vagrantfile directly, updates to the forklift repository could wipe out your local changes. To help with this, you can define a custom box re-using the configuration within the Vagrantfile. To do so, create a boxes.yaml
file. For example, to create a custom box on CentOS 7 with nightly and run the installers reset command:
box: centos7
installer: '--reset'
box -- the ':name' one of the defined boxes in the Vagrantfile
installer -- options that you would like passed to the installer
options -- options that setup.rb accepts, e.g. --skip-installer
shell -- customize the shell script run
bridged -- deploy on Libvirt with a bridged networking configuration, value of this parameter should be the interface of the host (e.g. em1)
memory -- set the amount of memory (in megabytes) this box will consume
cpus -- set the number of cpus this box will use
hostname -- hostname to set on the box
networks -- custom networks to use in addition to the management network
disk_size -- specify the size (in gigabytes) of the box's virtual disk. This only sets the virtual disk size, so you will still need to resize partitions and filesystems manually.
Entirely new boxes can be created that do not orginate from a box defined within the Vagrantfile. For example, if you had access to a RHEL Vagrant box:
box_name: rhel7
shell: 'echo TEST'
pty: true
Example with custom networking, static IP on custom libvirt network:
box: centos7
- type: 'private_network'
libvirt__network_name: lab-private
libvirt__iface_name: vnet2
User defined scripts can be run after a successful installation to facilitate common per user actions. For example, if there are common setup tasks run on every devel box for a user these can be setup to run for every run of setup.rb
. This also translates to running on every up/provision when using Vagrant. To define a script to be run, create a scripts/
directory and then place the script inside. For example, if you wanted to have vim
installed on every box, make a file scripts/
yum -y install vim
Boxes can be further customized by declaring Ansible playbooks to be run during provisioning. One or more playbooks can be specified and will be executed sequentially. An ignored directory can be used to put playbooks into 'user_playbooks' without worrying about adding them during a git commit.
Ansible roles may also be installed directly using the ansible-galaxy
command. These roles will be installed at playbooks/galaxy_roles
and will be ignored by git. You may also specify roles in a requirements.yml
, which you can use to install all desired roles with ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
box: centos7-katello-nightly
- 'user_playbooks/vim.yml'
- 'user_playbooks/zsh.yml'
Any file on path ./plugins/*/Vagrantfile
will be loaded on ./Vagrantfile
evaluation. plugins
directory is ignored by git therefore other git repositories can be cloned into plugins
to add custom machines.
Example of a plugin's Vagrantfile
module APlugin
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
DB = 'db'
WEB = 'web'
PARENT_NAME = 'centos6-devel'
PROJECT_PATH = "#{Forklift::ROOT}/../a_repo"
Forklift.define_vm config, Forklift.new_box(PARENT_NAME, DB) do |machine|
machine.vm.provision :shell do |shell|
shell.inline = 'echo doing DB box provisioning'
config.vm.synced_folder PROJECT_PATH, "/home/vagrant/a_repo"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |domain|
domain.memory = 1024
Forklift.define_vm config, Forklift.new_box(PARENT_NAME, WEB) do |machine|
machine.vm.provision :shell do |shell|
shell.inline = 'echo doing WEB box provisioning'
shell.inline = 'echo doing another WEB box provisioning'
config.vm.synced_folder PROJECT_PATH, "/home/vagrant/a_repo"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |domain|
domain.memory = 512
If you would like to inject hostname management and package caching without
updating the base Vagrantfile, you can install the vagrant-hostname
plugins and then create
with the following content:
# this enables some customizations that should not be used until after you have a
# working basic install.
module MyCustomPlugins
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# set up some shared dirs
config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/local/checkout/katello", "/home/vagrant/share/katello", type: "nfs"
config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/local/checkout/foreman", "/home/vagrant/share/foreman", type: "nfs"
config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/local/checkout/foreman-gutterball", "/home/vagrant/share/foreman-gutterball", type: "nfs"
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-hostmanager")
config.hostmanager.enabled = true
config.hostmanager.manage_host = true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier")
# Configure cached packages to be shared between instances of the same base box.
# More info on
config.cache.scope = :box
# disable gem caching for now, due to permissions issue
config.cache.auto_detect = false
config.cache.enable :yum
config.cache.synced_folder_opts = {
type: :nfs,
mount_options: ['rw', 'vers=4', 'tcp', 'nolock']